The Closet

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So yeah, he was in an argument with Steve, but this one was different, probably because it had ended up with him pressed between Steve and a closet door with little to no room.

They were standing face to face, basically pressed together at this point. He must have been blushing, but Steve was just blank faced. Tony, from experience, knew that look.

"Hey Steve, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just don't like the dark."

Oh, right. PSTD from the ice. That thought alone made him want to hug steve and tell him it's okay, but that was his childhood crush so it was understandable, right? So he did the only thing he could think of and stripped off one of his shirts.

"W-What are you doing?!"

"Relax cap, just making it brighter in here." He said as he stripped the long sleeve off leaving him in a black tank top, the arc reactor lighting up the closet.

"Thanks tony." Steve said, but he still looked a little off and he couldn't tell what it was.

Well with that taken care of he was actually going to try and get out of this place before Steve has a full blown PSTD attack. Sadly, he had no ideas on how to get out of he couldn't reach the door that didn't involve Steve. So much for impressing.

"Hey Steve, think you can press hard on the door enough to open it?"

Steve just gave him a nod, sealing the space in between them, with me fully pressed up against him. To make it even better his arms were around me, sadly not in the way I was hoping. He was just trying to break the door.

"Sorry," Steve said and before Tony could even comprehend what happened Steve stepped close and his groin was pressed right up against his. Fuck.

Surprisingly it wasn't him who got hard, Steve had shifted again and next thing he knew there was something hard pressing into his thigh and Steve froze.

"Sorry!" He half yelled stepping as far back as he could leaving Tony to stand there like an idiot.

"Oh God, this is awkward."

This had to mean he liked me in some form right? He was gonna go for that theory. So he did what he thought was the obvious thing to do and kissed him. It took Steve a second or two before he finally kissed back, taking that step closer so we were pressed up against the closet door, which broke.

Well, apparently it didn't break, Clint opened it. Thinking of it now that probably looked real bad, considering he has lost all of his shirts except one and Steve was hard as a rock.


Steve was on top of him, getting off as fast as possible and scrambling away his face as red as a beet. Tony just grinned and sat up, but who wouldn't grin?

"I'll just leave you two, and tell fury that uh, you're both... Busy." Clint said before walking off.

"So u-" He started, but before he could even finish Steve was on top of him again.

This was going to be fun.

A/N sorry this wasn't a lot of hurt/comfort but It sorta just turned into well, that. Also I couldn't update anything due to the fact I was on vacation but enjoy anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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