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At the dinner table, all four of us were concentrated on our meals once Kaden's mom served it, but there was intermittent conversations between the couple and their son as they spoke about cars and other auto mechanic stuff that left me staring at them in confusion.

"Oh my. We totally got carried away." Mr. Alabaster laughed and i shrugged it off admiring how immersed they looked, engaging in things they're passionate about, whereas my passion lied in sleeping and food.

"Oh Mr- he raised his hand

"Dominic-his wife nods-" and Kimberly" this is probably the nth time they've asked me to call them by thier first names but i always ended up being formal since that's what my tongue was used to.

Kimberly studied her son and i for a moment, her light brown eyes like her son's own, holding a suspicious streak. Glancing at Kaden, there was understanding as we both knew the next topic of discussion.

"So what happened between you two?" she gestured with a finger, dropping her fork on her plate. Her husband catches her drift, joining in on the tease

"Mother and Father, please" Kaden glanced at me, his eyes pleading, but i wanted to avenge how he teased me upstairs so I added in

"Oh Kaden was such a darling, calling me pet names already, showing his dominan- Kaden placed his hand on my mouth,muffling my words and we burst out laughing, making him drop his hand, uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"Yeah yeah, laugh at meme" we glanced at each other, and bubbles of laughter escaped again. This time, Kaden attempts to get up, but i held his hand down on the chair, trying to catch my breath

"Nuh uh. We're sorry but not sorry, " he chuckled, a smirk on his lips despite how his cheeks had darkened.

"On to more serious matters though, are you okay dear? You blacked out earlier, " and just like that, my stomach dropped, completely dissipating the carefree moment, as I met the gaze of two concerned parents.

"Yes...I didn't feel so good," i exhaled, feeling Kaden take my free hand beneath the table

"If you don't mind sharing what it is, we're all ears" i didn't know if i should confide in them or not because i felt that their answers may be the same as Kaden's own. 'don't worry', 'calm down' and all that jumbo that entirely didn't help me.

Although they're my boyfriend's family and I've known them since we were kids, that didn't make me sure of telling them about what I've been feeling since I've not been so personal with them. Yet, seeing the look of concern in their eyes made me open up.

"Well, my little sister has gone into the forest to care for a fawn she saved once. Prior to her leaving and after, I've been having this weird feeling as if something bad will happen but i don't know what to do" I breathed out, feeling a little tension loosen in my body and chest, as I shared this with someone else

"Usually in my family, we believed that when you feel strongly against someone's decision, it means something bad is coming so we end up praying for the person as a family" Dominic said, drinking some water. I was happy i had a different perspective and he did not tell me to calm down, but it certainly proves the nagging feeling in me right about it all, and i didn't like that one bit.

"But I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. You can check in with your mom, I'm sure by now your sister should be back, "Mrs. Kimberly assured, reaching across the table to lightly pat my palms

"She will be and she is back. Dad, please don't scare her. The recent murders in Fallwood are affecting people's minds" Kaden gave my hand a comforting squeeze beneath the table, and i knew he did not want me worrying about this much more than i already am

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