22. 'it hurts...'

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Sana was able to get herself up to go to school. Her friends were still worried about her and Tzuyu but then the only thing they can do was stay with her.

Sana walked down the familiar route carrying a pack of dog food in her hand. 

She walk and walk till she reached the place. She immediately called for gucci. 

She walked around the place just shouting and calling Gucci's name, but no Gucci appeared.

"Gucci...?" she mumbled 

She searched every bush, every trees, and every parks but still the dog wasn't there. 

"W-where are you?" she mumbled as her knees fell into the ground, the food she's been carrying around was now on the ground scattered. 

'I'm... Getting tired' 

'my heart hurts so bad...' 

Sana felt a sting of pain in her chest as her phone rang loudly. 

'it hurts...' 

'It's been hurting like this...' 

'Tzu... Gucci... Why are you leaving me?' 


"Ah Sana, finally you're awake, c'mon let's eat, Minju's waiting for you" 

Huh? Tzuyu? Why... Where... Where are we? 

Why do you look so mature? 

I can see Tzuyu frowning at me. "Love? Are you okay?" 

My eyes widen by her sudden endearment "L-love!?" 

Tzuyu's brows furrowed "Yes love why? Is there something wrong?" 

Tzuyu sat down the bed and checked my forehead "Your temperature seems fine... So what's wrong?" 

I just stared at Tzuyu as she smiled "Don't tell me you're half asleep?, geez" Tzuyu cupped my cheeks as she pinched it gently. 

Second after she kissed my lips then my forehead. 

"Mommy Tzu !!! Mommy Tzu!! Is Mommy Sana awake yet?" 

I jolt hearing my name, and mommy?! 

A girl who has a great resemblance of Tzuyu suddenly entered the room. "Eh why is Mommy Sana the only one getting morning kisses, Minju too!" 

Minju?... Who.?

The little girl jumped on the bed with us and hugged Tzuyu, Tzuyu kissed Minju's forehead. Minju suddenly turned towards me and said "Mommyyy poppo~" 

I furrowed my brows but kissed Minju's forehead. 

"Love are you really alright?" 

"Are you alr-" 


"Ms? Ms?" 

I opened my eyes feeling a tap on my shoulders. 

"Ms. Are you alright?" An elderly woman was waking me up. 

I sat down feeling a bit heavy in my chest. 

I'm still inside the park. But it was already late in the afternoon. Did I passed out? 

"Little girl, are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?" the ahjumma asked. 

I shook my head "N-no". 

What's that dream just now? 

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