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I'm pretty sure that if someone dropped a needle on the floor of my room, it would echo.

'Me? Teach you? How to kiss?' He asks very slowly, making sure I hear him

'Yes.' I respond

'Is this a joke?' He chuckles, thinking I'm joking

'No, I'm serious.' I tell him again

'Aera, did you fall on your head tonight?' He asks, furrowing his eyebrows

'No. Look, I just left Taehyung hanging when he tried to kiss me. All because I don't know what to do. So can you please teach me? Explain, show, whatever.' I explain

'You really are insane.' He chuckles in disbelief. 'You're still avoiding my kisses from the last time, and now you're asking me to do it again?'

'I need to learn, and it's not like I can ask anyone else. I surely won't go to Jungkook, will I?' I point out

'Why don't you just watch a movie or something?' He asks

'I also watched movies about space. It doesn't mean I'll suddenly know how to build a rocket.' He laughs at my dumb explanation

'I get it. But honestly, you kissed me just fine last time. You don't need to do anything.' He is still trying to make it out

'No. You kissed me. I had no idea what I was doing. I just trusted you and went with it.' I tell him

'That's all you really need to do. Just trust the other person.' He says

'I want to be able to do it on my own, not have to be led by someone. Pleeeeease.' I plead, taking both of his hands into mine

He exhales hard. 'Are you absolutely sure about this?' He looks me straight into my eyes. 'If we do this, you can't get jumpy around me. You can't go weird on me.'

'Jimin, I trust you more than anyone in this world. I wouldn't ask anyone else. Remember? You make me feel safe, no matter what.' I say, speaking softly

'Just one time, okay?' He says

'Yes, yes. Promise.' I hold up my pinky, and he chuckled, wrapping his around mine.

'Okay. What do you need me to do?' He sighs

'Everything. Step by step tutorial.' I say

'But, Aera, everyone is different. People like different things.' He tries to make me understand

'Then show me what you like.' I smiled at him, and his eyes widened a bit before he composed himself

He took a few deep breaths before he spoke again.
'There is no perfect formula to this. When you're kissing someone, you're not supposed to think about where your hands are going. That part is improvisation for everyone. Usually, it's places like holding people around the neck or holding their face. Sometimes, you hold them around the waist. You'll have to find what's comfortable for you.'

He sighs again, then continues, 'Go ahead. Try and see where you feel most comfortable in this position.'
I can't go around his waist. We're sitting on the bed, so it seems like it would be uncomfortable. I slowly slide my hands behind his neck, like last time.

Shit. My heart. Okay, just calm down. You're learning.

'Good.' He smiles. 'Next thing is pretty easy. You need to come a bit closer.' He pulls me in gently, putting his arm around my waist. His touch made me shiver.

I pull myself closer to him, sliding my hand in his hair at the back of his head.
'Are you okay?' He asks, gently caressing my jaw with his thumb. One of his hands is right under my jaw, making sure I'm facing him. I'm sure I'm bright red by now, but I asked for this.

Teach me how |BTS JIMIN BFF FF|Where stories live. Discover now