5. Tarako Bread

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You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, scratching your head as you scanned your still apartment. Parchment, books and photographs we're scattered about the room, reminding you of the previous night's events. You winced as you got up, your limbs stiff from sleeping in an odd position.

You made your coffee and sat at the table, looking outside. The balcony floor shined, the sky overcast and grey, suggesting it had rained during the night. A chill wind howled as it thrusted itself against the glass pane, splattering water from the balcony above onto yours.

You didn't feel like going out to take photographs. Not that you could anyway, due to the disappearance of your SD card.

You finished your coffee and went outside to buy bread. A trip to the bakery would help to distract you from your predicament. At the bakery you brought a white loaf and a flute with tarako filling for lunch. You cradled the bag of fresh bread, the warmth it radiated providing a sort of comfort, dimming the cold and that ineffable feeling of dread at bay.

As you turned the final corner to your apartment, there was a tapping at your shoulder. Most likely the police, you thought as you pivoted to face the culprit. It was Dazai.

"Morning!" He waved.

You blanked and turned back round, continuing your way back to your apartment.

He gripped your shoulder and swiveled you back round to face him. "Hey, hey! What's with the frown? Are you that disappointed to see your dear friend?"


"How cruel, Bella Donna, you wound me."

"Well, if you haven't got anything to say, I'll be off now." Bread tastes best when it's just out the oven after all.

"I just wanted to give this to you, I think you dropped on the way out last day." He said, bringing out something from his pocket. Your eyes snapped to his palm, expecting, hopeful. In it was revealed to be a small black disk: your lens cover. You sighed, retrieving it and giving a brief thanks.

"Again, what's the disappointment? We're you expecting something else?"

You brushed his question away, you just wanted to get home, and explaining would certainly take far too long, not to mention you didn't need his nose stuck in your life. "Nothing, but how do keep keep finding me?"

"I'm good at finding people."

You didn't need to hear that.

"I'll be off Dazai, goodbye." And so, you left, leaving the beige-coat-man alone, as the chilly breath of the port city rushed between you. His gaze was nailed to your back, as he watched you disappear behind a building, curiously and attentively like a cat. He had found a new yarn to unwind, and it seemed he had caught the start. What fun this would be.

By now, you were not far from your apartment. Your trip had taken longer than anticipated and you began to stress about the cooling bread. If it was cold by the time you ate it, Dazai would certainly never see the sun again. You couldn't help but chuckle at your absurd, morbid ideas.

Something light hit your nose. You glanced up to the sky, even worse than cold bread is soggy bread, and thus you hurried your pace.

You turned the final corner sharply, the wind brazing your ear. You apartment was just in sight, and the rain was picking up. Then something pulled you back. The sudden momentum almost sent the flute flying out the bag that you had to bend backwards to prevent it.

"Oh for Christ's sake! What now-"

But it was not Dazai who stopped you, and your face contorted from a scowl to something a kind to a frown. The man was not much taller than yourself and clothed in an ebon coloured coat, his hair as dark as twilight which faded into an icey grey winters sky.

Your voice faltered as you met his spear like eyes, your mouth gaping like a fish in a bowl, and your unfinished sentence which hung in the air like a bubble: popped.

Once more, you looked up at the steel sky.

𝐍𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞.  / Dazai Osamu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now