guilty 18.02.13

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"I plead guilty, your honor", she says loud and clear for everyone in the courtroom to hear. She vaguely hears low grasps coming from around the room. "Are you sure?", he asks as flabbergasted as the rest of the Judges. She takes a while to answer the question. How can she possibly not be guilty? It is all her fault that such commotion happened and she knows it. If she would of just simply kept her mouth shut, things would have been a lot better for everyone. She sometimes believes that if she wasn't there at all, everything would be better. She slowly looks around and meets the eyes of the souls she has corrupted. The lives she has destroyed. She feels as if she is trying to swallow a golf ball! The guilt feels like a bunch of people are beating her savagely and not bothering to check if shes even breathing. Not even caring if shes alive at all. How can she ever ask for forgiveness? She cant even forgive herself!

So she swallows that golf ball-sized guilt. "Yes, your honor", she finally says not able to look at anyone in the eyes.

guilty 18.02.13Where stories live. Discover now