Chapter Nineteen

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Kathleen’s P.O.V
It has been over a year since everything began with Voldemort and Seraphina just had her First Birthday and we only had a small gathering for her and the only people who knew where James and Lily were staying for the time being were Sirius and myself as they were in hiding to keep their son Harry safe from Voldemort and someone knocked on the door and Sirius opened it to see that it was Peter as I noticed that he wasn’t right as Sirius was talking to him before Peter walked away before Sirius closed the door, “what did he want?” I asked him, “he wanted to know where James and Lily were.” he said to me, “why did he want to know?” I asked her, “I don’t know.” he said as I began to get a bad feeling as I hoped it was just morning sickness, “are you feeling alright?” Sirius asked me and I nodded a little, “yeah, I’m fine. I just have a bad feeling about why he was here.” I told him “I’m sure it’s nothing.” he said to me and I sighed a little hoping that he was right and the both of us spent the rest of the day with Seraphina. As time went on, I began to have morning sickness and I began to think that I might be pregnant again and I decided to go to the Doctors to make sure and before I left the house, I walked up to Sirius as he played with Seraphina before he noticed me, “where are you off to?” He asked me, “I just came to let you know that I was going to get a few things for the house and Seraphina.” I said to him, “alright. Actually, I want to know how you’ve been feeling? I’ve noticed you haven’t been feeling too great. Is everything alright?” he asked me and I nodded, “everything is fine.” I told him as I smiled a little before he kissed my cheek, “alright, I’ll see you when you get back then.” he said before I walked out of the house before I eventually made it to the Doctors as I was eventually lead to a room before they checked everything out before finally speaking up, “how long have you been feeling like this Mrs. Black?” the woman asked me, “for a few weeks now.” I told her, “ok, well it seems that you are four weeks pregnant Mrs. Black, congratulations.” she said to me and I smiled a little before I was eventually able to leave and went to get some stuff for Seraphina and the house.

By the time I made it home, I put everything away and once I made it to Seraphina’s room to put the wipes and diapers away, I noticed Sirius rocking back and forth as he held Seraphina and I smiled a little before I put everything away before Sirius laid her down in her crib before the both of us left the room, “how is she doing?” I asked him, “she’s fine, she fell asleep just before you walked into the room.” he said to me before there was a moment of silence, “how are you doing?” he asked me, “I’ll be alright. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.” I told him, “are you sure?” he asked me, “yeah, it’s probably just a stomach bug or something.” I told him as I wanted the pregnancy to be a surprise, “alright then but if anything gets worse, we’re going to the doctors.” he said to me and I nodded, “alright.” I said to him before an Owl flew in and dropped something in my hand before seeing that it was a letter and once I opened it, I began to read it and saw that it was from my mother, “who’s it from?” Sirius asked me, “It's from my mother, she wants to spend the day with me tomorrow.” I told him, “that would be nice. You should go.” he said to me, “will you be alright here with Seraphina?” I asked him, “yeah, everything will be alright.” he said to me, “ok, but if something happens, let me know alright and I’ll come back.” I said to him and he nodded, “ok.” he said before the both of us spent time together along with Seraphina after she woke up from her nap. When the next day came around, I was getting ready to go and meet my mum before I checked to make sure Sirius knew where everything was, “do you know where everything is?” I asked him, “yes” he said to me, “you know to call for me if something happens right?” I asked him, “yes and stop worrying everything will be fine.” he said to me and I sighed a little, “alright, I’ll see you later then ok.” I said to him and he nodded before I kissed him, “I love you.” I said to him, “I love you too, now get going before your mother starts wondering where you are.” He said to me and I chuckled a little before I eventually left and met mum at a coffee shop, “sorry I’m late.” I said to her, “That's fine dear. Anyways, how are you feeling?” she said to me as I sat down, “I’m good, I have some news to tell you though.”I said to her, “really, what nws have you brought for me?” she asked me, “I’m pregnant.” I told her and she had gotten excited, “that’s wonderful news darling. Does Sirius know about it?” She said to me, “no, not yet. I want it to be a surprise.” I said to her and the both of us talked about it as she wanted to help me with it before we noticed the time and I had to go home and once I did, I spent the rest of the day with Sirius and our daughter.

It has been a couple of months and it was the day after Halloween and I was about three months pregnant and so far I’ve been able to keep it from Sirius as I wanted to surprise him and just before I could tell him about the Pregnancy, we heard people barge into the house and surrounded the both of us as I held Serphina close to me, “what’s the meaning of this?” He asked them, “We are led to believe that you, Sirius Black are the cause of the murder of Peter Pettigrew and at fault for the deaths of James and Lily Potter.” the Minister said as he walked past everyone, “with what evidence?” I asked them, “you were the only one’s knowing the whereabouts of the Potters.” he mentioned, “we weren’t the only ones. Pettigrew knew where they were. He came by wanting to know where they were.” Sirius said to them, “he’s telling the truth. I remember him visiting a while ago.” I mentioned to them, “I’m afraid that’s not enough to cover for the crimes that he has committed. I’m afraid you’re coming with us. Take him.” the Minister said before they dragged him out of the house and I tried reasoning with them about it and getting them to stop but they didn’t listen before they were gone and I tried calming Seraphina down. After everything that had happened and I managed to calm Seraphina down before putting her to bed for a nap before I walked into another room of the house so she didn’t hear me before I screamed at the top of my lungs before I felt someone hug me before I started breaking down, “it’s alright darling, I’m here.” I heard them say before noticing that it was dad speaking to me, “they took him away. They’re going to send him to Azkaban.” I said to him, “I know dear, we came here as soon as we found out.” he said to me, “we tried telling them the truth but they wouldn’t listen. I swear he didn’t do anything dad, I swear it.” I said to him before I felt someone else hug me, “Kathleen look at me dear.” Mum said before I looked at her, “there was only so much you could have done, none of this is your fault or his. We believe you, we believe he didn’t do anything.” she said to me before hugging me. After some time had passed, I managed to calm down before I remembered Seraphina, “I left Seraphina in her room.” I said and before I could go to her, someone stopped me, “Remus is with her, she’s fine.” Mum said to me and I sighed a little, “dad, could you give me and mum a moment please?” I asked him, and he nodded before kissing the top of my head, “I’ll be with Remus alright.” he said to me and I nodded before he walked away and once mum and I were alone, I finally spoke up, “I never got to tell him.” I said to her, “oh, I’m so sorry dear.” she said to me before hugging me, “I never got to tell him that he was going to be a father again.” I said to her, “I know dear.” she said to me and the both of us talked about it for a while before Remus and Dad walked up to us with Seraphina before Remus gave her to me, “do you want us to stay with you for a while?” Dad asked me, “if you don’t mind. I don’t want to be alone.” I said to them and I managed to show them to a couple of spare rooms we had before I finally told Remus and dad about the baby and told them about how I was going to tell Sirius before the Minister barged in and after talking for a while, we all had gone to bed later that night.

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