The Creation of Klofalækjaftur

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Long ago in a land called Klofalækjaftur. There were wars and Crusades between villages and kingdoms. So many were lost on where to go and if it was safe. The battle cries and sounds of swords clanging throughout the night. They were the sounds of constant war going on for years. Then one night a goddess appears on the battlefield and tells the people that fighting each other is not the answer to solving who gets to be the ruler. With all the battles and wars that when on, the magic of Klofalækjaftur had been completely drained.

Then goddess spoke into them again saying for how much your wars have done the land will not receive plentiful fruit and peace and so you did nothing, but fight over this land for power and leadership of the people! For what you have done, you'll be cursed as dragonelfs. Before the goddess disappeared she said the royal family's four children will be the goddess and leader of the land, but she would be born as a dragonhylian and her father be from a distant land banished for his crimes.

The goddess didn't tell them that the royal family's four children would have a twin hiding in her sister's shadow. After that day the wars stopped for what felt like years, but years later the people all came together and rebuilt the kingdom of Klofalækjaftur. Centuries after the kingdom of Klofalækjaftur grew into glory and prosperity of the people. Then one day a stranger came into the land and looked like an elf, but his ears were longer and more pointed at the tip. This man was a warrior of the distant land, and it was called Hilya.

He banishes from the land for trying to take the life of his older brother, who was air to their father's farm fortune. Also, he is false in taking his brother's position in the army as a captain. For the punishment of his crimes, he had to choose between Death or banish forever. He ends up with banishment and it sends him to a land that is only connected to Hilya for three days then it magically hops connect to other lands in a particular order. This magical land was called Klofalækjaftur.

Klofalækjaftur is a kingdom that gets power from these other lands with magical properties and their food supply. Whenever people go to the fortune market, they have to be very cautious about the time so they get back to the land before it moves on. How do they keep up with the time during the three days, well they had a magical artifact that told the time of when Klofalækjaftur would like magical hop. When the kingdom hops to a new land the days there on that magical will be longer or shorter depending on the supply and materials the people can get. However, Klofalækjaftur magical hoping to land to land is not always easy to predict where it will land and connect that other kingdom land.

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