1. Call Me By My name

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*Use headphones, play the ☝️ song, and enjoy*

A toned muscular back is seen carrying a half-conscious woman to the bedroom. Her hands strongly grip the clean shaved neck of the man as he attempts to lay her on the bed.

"I don't want to sleep. I want you," the woman angrily says as she holds onto his shoulder.

The man lays her on the bed, but she immediately stands up on the bed and grabs him by the collar which snapped a couple of buttons on his shirt.

"Miss, calm down. You'll get hurt," he says in a concerned tone. Right then, she slips a bit but he immediately pulls her body closer to his.

Their face is inches away, her warm breath falls on his ear sending shivers down his spine. His grip on her waist tightens as she whispers in his ear,

"What makes you want to keep me safe?"

"It's my duty miss, I won't let anything hurt you."

"Really? If it's just your duty then what is that look in your eyes? You think I don't notice the way you flinch when our skin touches or when you steal glances at me or how your face lights up when I smile. Heck, do you think I don't see the desperation in your lips when it doesn't touch mine?" she says as she caresses his face.

A teardrop streams down his face as he blinks, he uses all the strength in his body to hold back his tears and says,

"You don't know what you're saying, you're drunk."

"Am I? You want me to prove it to you? She softly said as she ran her thumb through his lips.


"Ssshhh. Call me by my name," she whispers as she leans in.

"Y/n..." he softly breathes. He opens his lips slightly leaning forward to land a gentle peck on her lips.

Both of them stop for a second to gaze into each other's eyes, the sparkles in their eyes said it all and with that, he kissed her with the force of a thousand storms

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Both of them stop for a second to gaze into each other's eyes, the sparkles in their eyes said it all and with that, he kissed her with the force of a thousand storms. With nothing to hold them back, they went all in.

As he eats her face with pleasure, she rips his shirt off, buttons flying everywhere

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As he eats her face with pleasure, she rips his shirt off, buttons flying everywhere. A naughty smile appears on both of their faces. She quickly takes her t-shirt off and he pulls her in for a hug. He kissed her neck as their half-naked body pressed against each other. Their hands ran wild with freedom, feeling every nook and cranny of their body.

 Their hands ran wild with freedom, feeling every nook and cranny of their body

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He grabbed her by her thigh, lifting her and holding her waist against his. Her fingers brushed through the back of his head as they passionately frenched. He carefully laid her on the bed and started kissing her from top to bottom until he reached her pants.

He mischievously smirked at her while he unbuttoned her pants. He gradually pulled them down revealing her underwear. He started to take off her underwear but she stopped with her foot on his chest.

"Not so fast, let's do you first," she smirked. He blushed and eventually nodded. He kissed her foot goodbye and switched places. She tears his jeans off him like a wild animal but is shocked to find no underwear.

He nervously smiles as he caresses her head and her expression changes from playful to super horny. She starts getting down on him, licking, sucking, and thrusting his Dick. He moans and breathes heavily, his body tensed, his eyes squeezed shut, and his heartbeat raced as he tightly held her hand and finally moaned her name loud and clear.

She pauses to see the feeling of release on his face while he breathes heavily. He gradually opens his eyes and smile while cupping her face. He sits up and kissed her passionately, his hands ran down to her back and unhooked her bra. She flinched slightly but he calmed her by rubbing her back as they smooched.

He takes off her bra while she blushed and looked away, he pecked her cheek while he hugged her. His kisses streamed down to her neck and her shoulder. She moaned slightly as she eagerly inhaled his scent. He grasps her body and lightly lays her on the bed.

His kisses move down to her boobs and he starts licking, sucking, frenching, and squeezing her breasts while her heart ran faster than ever. Her nails dug deep into his muscular back while he gently bit her breast.

He lifted his head to look at her red hot face and kissed her once more before going down on her. He sat straight and tugged on her underwear lightly, removing it gently while she whimpered in excitement. He balled up her underwear and sniffed it like drugs.

"Half the taste is in the smell," he smirked and leaned towards her pussy. He started kissing it, sucking it like candy, a sensation she never felt before, her whole body stiffened. His tongue moved side by side on her clit while his hands fondled her boobs.

Her body tensed up, her waist gradually curved up, and her hands forms a fist, She squinted her eyes and moaned in pleasure while his tongue now changed directions to circular motion. Finally, she screamed in ecstasy while her whole body contracted. Her pussy was wetter than water.

He looks up at her, both panting for air. He lifts her body to his, both sitting face to face, breathing heavily, smiling. Their bodies burning up and stiff from all the orgasm, they kiss, gently, slowly, and slowly this time.

She positions her body right and slowly inserts his dick into her vagina, the fear of insertion was visible on her face but he soothed her by pecking her cheek softly and slowly. After it was in, she slowly started to slide her waist up and down while he gently grasped her waist.

Both of them moaned loudly, running out of breath, they started breathing through their mouths, and their hot sweaty body rubbed against each other. Both of their grips tightened and she started thrusting faster, leaving him gasping for air.

He grabbed her neck upright and started smooching all over it which made her pause. He took this opportunity to put her on her back and get on top of her, doing so while smacking lips with each other. He started thrusting his dick faster and faster, her body shriveled up in pleasure, and she screamed with delight while scratching his back.

Both of them squinted their face super hard when he went even faster putting all his energy into it while her whole body contracted, feeling tightness, pleasure, and finally the euphoric release. Both of them let out a long and final moan, their hearts were about to burst. His worn-out body fell next to her side while both of their pants for air and smiled at each other with sexual fulfillment.

*Phew* That was steamy. Hope you enjoyed that, if you did then please leave a vote on my story. I'll upload new ones Later. Thank you.

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