2. Nothing Else Matters

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This story is kind of inspired by the above song. The lyrics are given in the video so please read it after reading the story. Suicidal character warning.

Jenny barges into her husband's high-tech mansion and angrily stomps into his room.

"You still haven't signed the fucking papers Jack!" Jenny yells, throwing the papers at his face.

"Oh, hi there, want some juice?' Jack says unfazed while rocking in his chair.

"I'm so sick of your bullshit Jack, just sign the fucking papers and relieve me of this hell!'' Jenny furiously demands.

"Of course, sure, anything for you love. But first tell me, why you wanna leave me? Because up until a few days ago, you couldn't keep your hands off me and I had to relieve you in other ways," he smugly smiles.

"I don't owe you an explanation, sign the papers, '' she crosses her arms.

"No explanation, no sign," he retorts.

"Fine,... I like someone else," she responds while looking away.

"hmm, didn't hear love, sus," he doubtfully looks at her.

"pst, you just hear what you wanna hear. I wanna be with someone else and I don't wanna be with you anymore," she fumbles.

"Negative. If you wanna sleep with someone else, you can, you don't need my sign to do that. And if this someone else actually existed, wouldn't he be here with you right now? Besides, I've read the terms of our divorce, and it seems like you literally gain nothing from it, proving you're not doing this for the money. Then why?" he questions making her flustered.

"oh just shut up and sign the papers. I already gave you a reason, it's not my problem if you don't believe me." she bitterly says.

"Okay fine I'll sign your papers," he calmly says as he signs the papers.

"Here," he hands out the paper. Just as she's about to grab it, he chucks it out the window. In an attempt to save it, Jenny falls on his chest and gets flustered.

"WHAT THE FUCK JACK!'' Jenny rages as she runs to the window. Seeing the papers on the grass unharmed, she lets out a sigh of relief, "That was such a petty move, you know I can just pick it up on my way out."

"I know." an evil grin appears on his face which turns Jenny's face from annoyed to concerned as she races to the door to find it locked. She desperately tries to open it but the door can only be accessed through fingerprint. Enraged, she hopelessly bangs her body across the door to break it.

Jack grows anxious and back hugs Jenny to stop her from hurting herself, so Jenny furiously pushes him away. Seeing her this upset, he loses confidence in his argument and becomes visibly disheartened as he gathers the courage to ask the question he doesn't want the answer to.

 Seeing her this upset, he loses confidence in his argument and becomes visibly disheartened as he gathers the courage to ask the question he doesn't want the answer to

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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