Part 3~ third years

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Hi guysss!!
So if you have read my Kagehina story, then some of the things I say will make sense, but if not than that's okay! Basically at this time, Hinata and Kageyama are expecting twins (Yes, they are young I know. I go into further detail in their book ahah) but that's pretty much all you will need to know for this! (Friendly reminder that this is omegaverse!)
Love yas and hope you enjoy!!

"I can't believe we're graduating today-" Suga said as he leaned against the bathroom rink, turning around to face Daichi who chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"I know, it's crazy" Daichi said, looking him in the eyes and giving a soft smile. "You know, I'm so proud of you" he said, putting a hand onto his cheek and gently rubbing his thumb.

Suga just smiled and locked eyes with him, the two slowly moving closer to one another, going in for a kiss. Just as they were about to, there was a knock at the door.

"Guys, your gonna be late!" Daichi's mom's voice came from the other side.

The two looked at each other and laughed, hurrying to gather their things and then left the house.

They reached the school, and saw Asahi waiting by the front door for them.

The three walked in together, and went to the auditorium where everyone was meeting before going outside.

Suga looked at Daichi, and rested his head onto his shoulder, the anxiety kept building up inside of him.

"It's okay" Daichi took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, kissing his head.

Suga took a deep breath and nodded, lifting his head up as their principle started talking to them.

  All the third years walked out of the school building, and over to the football field where the ceremony was happening.

The whole Karasuno team was there to support them, Noya looked like he was on the verge of tears, Hinata was right next to him with one of his arms wrapped around him.

The crowd stood when they saw the third years, and clapped as they all got to their seats.

The principles and some staff did a few speeches, then they finally began calling up the seniors to give them their diplomas.

They announced the first senior to come up, "Asahi Azumane" the principle said.

Asahi got up and took a deep breath and walked up to the stage, the whole crowd clapping as he took his diploma and shook the staff's hands.

   "Daichi Sawamura"

Daichi gave Suga'a hand a squeeze, and got up.

He walked up to the stage and took his diploma, bowing and shaking the staffs hands.

  There was a longer wait, until they finally got to some of the final last names.

"Sugawara Koshi" Suga paused as the crowd clapped and cheered, he looked at Daichi who gave a gentle smile, and put a hand onto his back to support him up.

"You got this" Daichi smiled and watched as Suga got up, making his way to the stage.

He smiled when the principle congratulated him, and handed him his diploma, he bowed and shook his hand, then walked off stage and they waited for the last few names to be called.

"We did it!" Suga giggled, hugging Daichi as everyone stood and began walking back into the building.

"We did" Daichi chuckled and gave him a kiss, they walked back inside together.

Noya had went with Asahi, so they were ahead of them.

The principle just talked with the seniors again, wishing them luck again, then let them go.

When they got outside, they saw the rest of their team waiting outside.

The three smiled and walked up to them, Hinata immediately trapped Suga in a hug, which surprised him a bit.

Kageyama stepped forward to try and get him to give them some space, but Suga just smiled and shook his head, hugging him back.

"It's gonna be so weird without you guys" Hinata said stepping back and sniffling, Kageyama reached out and put a hand on his shoulder.

Suga chuckled, looking down at him. "We're gonna visit all the time! You know we wouldn't just leave you guys" he said and smiled.

Hinata nodded and looked up at Daichi, giving him a hug, as well as Asahi.

Everyone took turns congratulating the three, giving them hugs and chatting for a bit.

They had an after party at Daichi's house, since it was the biggest. His mom had prepaired a bunch of snacks and foods for them.

Hinata and Kageyama left a little early, Hinata had been feeling a bit sick so everyone wanted him to go get some rest.

Everyone else had left a little after that, and Daichi's mom and dad had gone out to dinner while they were having the party, so, now it was just Daichi and Suga.

They went up to Daichi's bedroom and shut the door, laying down in bed.

Daichi looked down at Suga, admiring all his features.

"Your gonna burn a hole through me if you keep looking at me like that" Suga opened his eyes and stared up at Daichi, both paused for a moment before bursting out in laughter.

"Sorry, your just so beautiful. How could I not look at you?" Daichi smirked, flipping Suga into his back and bringing him in for a kiss.

Suga smiled and wrapped his arms around Daichi's neck, deepening the kiss.

"Do you want to?" Daichi asked, pausing for a moment.

Suga nodded, pulling him back down. "Let's have some fun" Suga smirked.

Hiii! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I love you all so much and can't wait til next time!❤️

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