Why me?

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Quick disclaimer: you don't have parents in this FF to make this whole thing a bit easier for me, so if you feel triggered by that... Do what you gotta do and leave. Now that we have that out of the way.... Enjoy

,, hurry up boys, don't get to caught up on your looks, we have to leave." the shrill voice of miss.Evans echoed through the hallways off the orphanage Y/N has lived in since he could remember. He couldn't remember what his parents looked like( they must have looked somewhat like him right?) , he didn't even know who they were. But he didn't care, you can't miss something you never had. Well sometimes he thought about how his life would have went if his parents didn't decide to give him away.,, HURRY Up! ",miss.Evans yelled a bit louder,, we are all waiting for you Y/N."

,, I'm coming.", Y/N yelled back. He took a last glance at himself in the mirror then left through the door that connected his little room to the hallway. The rest of the kids were already waiting in front of the orphanage. In the middle of them stood a tall lady with a Fedora cap that tried to turn away from the fackt that her head looked weirdly small .,, finally. ", the lady sighed,, what were you doing in there?"

Y/N shrugged and that was the end of their conversation because she turned to the rest of the group and started to explain in a serious tone.
,, Now. Listen up children! Before we go to the theater I want to go through a few rules. OK first of all we don't go when... "

Miss.Evans voice got quieter as Y/N drifted deeper into his own thoughts.,, this is the first time I'm going into public since..."he didn't want to think about it, surely it wouldn't happen again. The memories of Y/N mistakes (at least he called it that) has been haunting him for months.
He wished he had never discovered this about himself because it fucked with his morals and over all wasn't something you could just live with. A moon ago he was out on one of those trips that the kind people donated for so the poor orphanage children could go to the museum or something. They were visiting a castle(that he forgot the name off) that got turned into a museum.

They were allowed to stroll around and look at everything, so Y/N did. He was about to walk to the next exhibition when he noticed a compartment, cordoned of with yellow tape.

He didn't go past the yellow tape, of course not he wasn't stupid he just slightly leaned against it to see what was
condoned but apparently that was enough for the olderly (meaby in his 50) guy, because he grabbed him by the arm and yelled in a heavy German accent,, what do you think you are doing can't you read?", he pointed at the tape that read:" no passage" Y/N tore himself from the tight grip of the man.

,, I didn't even go past it.", Y/N said. The man's face twisted as if he had bitten into a lemon.,, but you probably taught about it right.?",he said grabbing Y/N again and dragged him away from the yellow tape. ,,No I didn't."the H/C haired boy said in disbelief,, let me go." but the man didn't.

,,LET ME GO.", Y/N struggled.

,, I. SAID. LET. ME. GO.", he yelled.

The man abruptly stopped, he didn't move at all not even the gush of wind that came through the window could move his blond thin hair.

,, what the fuck?", Y/N whispered to himself. He freed himself from the grip once again and walked around the man.,, you might as well drop dead if you are going to stand still like that.",he joked. But shortly after the sentence has left his mouth the man dropped to the floor.

The boy got startled and jumped back.,,what the?", he crouched beside the man,, you can stop now it's not funny anymore."  (it wasn't in the first place)" he thought. But the man didn't move. Finally Y/N decided to check the pulse

There was none.

Alright guys that's it for now I hope you like it as I said I got a bit rusty but I think it is not that bad. Stay tuned
s that's it for now I hope you like it as I said I got a bit rusty but I think it is not that bad. Stay tuned

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