𝗼。 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲.

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— Chicago, 2018 —
11:27 P.M.

— 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 "chicago - sped up" —
— 𝐁𝐲 aj —
𝐨𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜

Mm. This just isn't fair. So so so so so unfair.

So.. lemme tell you about my situaaation.
Right, so I'm a mutant.. purple.. clay-mud-monster thingy.. But that's a mouthful, so let's just go with abomination. I'm currently wondering the dangerous streets of Chicago, alone. Not that I was living by myself, I lived with my dad in his little apartment. (Like the one in Raven's Home 🥰) He's not my actual real father, I really don't think I have one of those. He's a really nice dude that took me in when I was a little pile of goopy smiles sitting in a trash bin. He thought I was a little odd at first, but then I got these two super cool hair clip that keeps me lookin' like a person! He didn't not love me before them, but he sure as heck loves me now.

..which is why I'm running away.

Now- don't get me wrong, I really love my old man. I'd do anything to keep work of his back and see him happy, but this is for his own safety. See, I was gettin' a little too comfortable around the stores of Chicago, and I let my quote on quote "weird side"  drip out. So now people are scared, police are on the lookout, there's a lot of questioning, and I don't want my dear papa's hair to turn gray from stress. But, it's not all bad. I left him a note on the kitchen counter, along with some breakfast that he can heat up. I'm the best kid everrrrr. But it's not faaair that I have to run away because a bunch of Chicagoans are scared of a little "sewer monster", like they're not already as scary as some alleged monster. Right, the streets. I'm off them now. I'm in a subway. It's the one on the vacant side of town, so it's really super empty. The train still comes around and stops, though. While I hear the train on its way, I see a (F/C) glow come from a little damp cardboard box resting on a bench. And that's my favorite color. So so so.. I open the box and see a tiny black choker necklace with a triangular (F/C) gem in the middle. I hold it up and put it on. "Wow.. would you look at that.." I did a little power pose, I thought it was cute. "Do you think I look cool, Sagan?" Oh, right right right! I didn't tell you about my little animal friend! He's a little kitty baby that I named after another little cute animal from a cool video game I played once! He was a eyeless bunny parasite thing with razor sharp teeth, but he was so super small and looked really harmless AND WAS REALLY HARMFUL BUT HE WAS STILL SO CUTE!! Just like my kitty. When he gets real angry his pupils get so big and black that you can't even see the color. And his teeth become so sharp that even his non-canines are canines. And his ears get bigger and pointier, AND HE EVEN STANDS ON HIS HIND LEGS AND HE LOOKS SO ADORABLE WHEN HE DOES IT!!
Anyway, when I asked he just looked super unamused. "Hey hey hey, don't be like that! I'm pretty sure there's another box with a collar or something around here with your name on it!" Right as I say that, the train pulls up. "Or.. maybe there'll be one in the next station we make it to..?" If that cat had brows, they would definitely be furrowed. I quickly grab my cat and the other contents of the box and board the train, double checking to make sure I didn't leave anything. I look around the train, but it was a bit.. empty. For a big city train, anyway. No one was anywhere. But the less people that see me, the better.
"What I wouldn't do for some food right now." I say, as Sagan stretches out on my lap, yawning. "Aw, kitty. You sleepy? Me too. I kinda regret leaving papa alone. He'll be okay, I'm sure. I check up on him every now and again, he totally won't be mad at me for leeeaving." I pull out my phone to check the time.
"Woah. It's midnight already? I hope they don't do a train search or somethin' in the morning. That would not be good. Obviously, kinda." I start scratching my kitty behind the ears. I eventually get a little bored of doing that, and my data is a bit laggy, so I scroll through my contacts. One of the first names to pop up is 'April'.
"April.. OH, APRIL! MY KIDDIE FRIEND! FROM KIDDIE SCHOOL!" I immediately click on her contact, seeing an older photo of her and I sitting on top of the monkey bars. I was gonna click call, but I decide not to bother her cuz she's probably really busy. I click message instead. I type a super long paragraph about how it's been a while and I missed her and I would love to come visit. To my very shocking surprise, she responded.
'(N/N)!! Man, I haven't heard from you in a minute! I'm good, how about you? You can totally come and visit. If you were planning on it, I could send you an addess? '  I quickly reply with 'Mhm mhm, I'll be over in a few.. hours. Transit is a bit slow, but since it's night time maybe I could be there by 8?' AND THEN SHE REPLIES WITH 'Yeah yeah! I'll see when you get here! I got some friends I want you to meet!'
I turn my phone off and shove my hands into my hoodie pocket. I feel around and find a small folded piece of paper. It has a cheesy poem on it.
'If you're feelin bad, don't be.. mad. And if you're unsure, I am the cure. TO WEEP WHAT YOU WOE, WE'LL ALWAYS KNOW.' Shit was kinda lame. I flipped it over and saw words written in gold, 'To begin the cray, you must write your own way. Don't worry, you'll be proud. Just read it aloud.' "Wha-huh?? What's this stuff.."
I dig in my pocket again, only to find a feather pen thing. One of the old timey ones. It had a little ink on the tip, so I decide to wriiiiite. And write I did. I write the words "smiley face" along with a little smiley drawing.
Ever so suddenly, the choker necklace starts glowing.. again I think.  It pops off. Yeah. The little poem paper crumbled itself and phases through the gem, and it almost explodes. Buuuut.. It lands safely on the ground with all it's pretty little bits and pieces. This time, though, it has the words "smiley" and face written on the left and right parts of the neckpiece. Long story short, I put it on, I sit down, I pass out.

I wake up to Sagan licking my chin, as parasite pets do.

And the train suddenly stops.

I check the time again, and it's 7:26. "Oh.. I was knocked out knocked out?" The train is stopped at another empty station, but I could tell it wasn't in Chicago anymore. I go to check my location, all while putting the stuff I dropped back into my backpack, zipping it up, and putting my cat on my shoulder. "WOO WOO WOW, NEW YORK CITY?!" I cry. I'm clearly really excited to suspiciously be in the exact place I need to be after falling asleep for 6-7 hours and then the train I was on just happened to have a final destination of MY destination, but that's probably just luck. I walk out of the subway, with Sagan playing with loose strands of my hair, flicking them around and trying to grab them like they were running away from him. I continue to walk, searching for some place where we could sit down and eat something real quick. I spot a little pizza place, 'The Pizza Pit' or whatever it's called. I can't be bothered to remember, we're not staying long anyway.



How would y'all feel if i told you i don't know how prologues work?? you would be so shocked n stuff.. like "WOAHHH??? SAGAN OF THE STARS DOESN'T KNOW HOW PROLOGUES WORK?? SHOCKER, SHE'S SO GOOD AT THEM THOUGH!!" i bet. you so would. im invested in this story cuz it brings me joy, therefore i will be making a brief pause in my productivity for my other projects to focus more on this one. SEE HOW SMART I SOUND?? OHHH MY GOD 😻

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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