Chapter 1: Beating Heart

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Vash is missing, he's been M.I.A for a month. 

The red and black hedgehog disappeared during a mission in the Kingdom of Acorn where there was a report of another agent tampering with an unrecoverable GSP device. Even though it was turned off for some time, G.U.N doesn't like it when their soldiers go off grid. So sending one of their best MPs shouldn't have been a problem. This job shouldn't have been hard at all and definitely shouldn't have been taking Vash a month to find them. 

The son of Shadow the Hedgehog shouldn't be having this much trouble, he had enough information to locate the person who decided to break the law with tampering with government equipment without derestriction. 

After finally finding some clues and some good witness testimonies, Vivien was gifted with the job to find his brother who he believes to be in some serious danger. Vash just doesn't disappear, and just finding his commutation device in the middle of the woods is making everyone worry for the worst. 

Sitting in the undercover car, the black and red hedgehog is flipping through the files hoping he's on the right track to the house the files said were Vash's last location. 

A tall green fox with yellow hair fluffy hair was doing his best to keep his cool and not speed through the whiny back road like an idiot. His nerves were shot. Each breath he took was deep and slow. He refused to take his eyes off the road as he checked the mailbox number on each mailbox he drove up to. 

The small ebony hedgehog lifted his head from his papers as he looked through the wooden area to see a small and comfortable looking cabin with a dirt driveway and a garage. Recognizing the number on the metal box standing in the front yard, Vivien noticed his partner wasn't slowing down. 

"Remember Voxis the mail box number is-" 


Even though Voxis said the number calmly he drifted into the drive way and slammed on the breaks before he crashed into the garage door. His poor hedgehog friend grabbed onto his seat belt bracing for an impact. When Voxis somehow manage to not crash, he pulled the parking break as soon as the car stop making the car jerk. Unbuckling his seat belt, the fox quickly shuffled out of the car to shut the door. Vivien did the same but so he could yell at the impulsive acting fox.

Fixing his quills, a low growling whisper escaped the dark hogs throat "What the fuck Voxis!"

Taking the lead, the tall fox walked around the car to the door of the Cabin. Vivien fumbled to find the folder he needs for questioning. Finally finding it, the small hog quickly slammed his door to rush up the sidewalk to the concert steps of the front porch, Voxis already knocking on the door. 

"Voxis!" hissed the hedgehog as he almost tripped up the stairs. Vivien held his folder close to his chest as he skimmed through the papers again to make sure he has everything. His cheeks glowed red with embarrassment and stress, his bright green eyes twitched up and down making sure he is consuming the information quickly before they were welcomed inside. 

Voxis's blue eyes harden on the wooden door as he heard footsteps shuffle around the house. The green fox rings to doorbell as his ears shifted closer to the door to hear the movement inside better. He knew his partner wasn't really paying attention to the sounds as he too was trying his best to do his job. So Voxis made sure to take note of the amount of foot steps just in case it was to come up. 

"Shit!" Vivien whispered as he jumped off the porch and rushed to the car. Voxis just assumed he forgot something and would be be back in a little bit so he just kept his gaze at the old door.  

The tall fox's ears perked when the doors many locks were unlock and the door shoved open to have a harlequin rabbit with fluffy black hair open the door. The rabbit's height made him tower over Voxis but only by half a foot. The pattern was a neutral earth tone with his right side being a dark brown while his right side was much lighter. His muzzle and large patch of chest fur were a a dark tan. His bright blue eyes percid into Voxis's soul as they made eye contact. His eyes screamed mistrust and anger as he scanned the the green fox from head to toe. The rabbit scrunched up his nose with a few little twitches as he noticed the G.U.N embalm on Voxis's jacket.

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