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[ IRL ]

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"hey Nic," Danelly calls from his bed.

"yeah?" he calls back from his closet.

"i met this guy and i wanted to know what you think of him."

"what do you mean?" he asks, turning his attention to her.

"i met this guy who i think is pretty cool. he works part-time at starbucks and he gave me his number and he asked me out today. i just want to know what you think of him."

"isn't this the kind of stuff you talk to Mal or Chris about?"

"Mallory's been telling Matt everything lately and Chris gave shit advice last time i asked for help."

Nic laughs, sitting beside her on the bed. "what advice did he give you?"

"he told me to ask the girl from the bookstore if she was from Tennessee," she sighs, dramatically falling backwards.

"oh my god, he doesn't think you're that stupid does he?"

Danelly stays silent, her eyes closed.

"you did it?!" Nic exclaims, shaking the girl.

she sits up and looks at him. "she was so pretty! i wasn't gonna do it at first, but then i got nervous.." she trails off, reliving the tragic moment in her head.

she had the same book in her hand for the past five minutes, stealing many, many glances at the girl behind the counter.

"stop staring, you're gonna scare her," Chris says as he walks up next to her, startling her.

"jesus, Chris. don't do that," she scolds, placing the book back on the shelf and walking to the shelf closest to the register.

"if you like her so much then just go and talk to her. this is embarrassing."

"Chris do you see her? she's so pretty i can't talk to her."

"you're just as pretty, if not prettier. just buy a book and ask her if she's from tennessee."

that snaps Danelly out of her trance and she quickly turns her head to the boy. "what?"

"y'know, tennessee? cause you're the only 10 i see?"

Danelly sighs, grabbing a random book and walking towards checkout.

"hey," the girl smiles as Danelly hands her the book. "we missed you last week."

"what?" Danelly asks, snapping her head up to make eye contact.

"you're a regular, you come every week at the same time. but you missed last week. what happened?"

"appointment," she stammers, looking back down at the wooden surface of the counter. it looked to be recently cleaned.

"i hope everything went well," she smiles, scanning the barcode.

"are you from tennessee?" Danelly blurts, instantly regretting it.


"tennessee? cause you're..the only 10 i see."

the girl chuckles. "that'll be $10. cash or card?"

"card," Chris says from behind the girl. "and this too," he places another book and a bookmark on the counter.

"i'll be outside," Danelly mutters, quickly making her way to the exit.

"come on, Nelly. Matt's waiting for us," Chris says as he exits the store with the bag in his hand.

"that was embarrassing i can never come back here," she sighs, getting into the van.

"what happened?" Matt asks.

"if i talk about it i'll cry," Danelly answers, resting her head on Chris' shoulder.

"she talked to that girl she's been talking about."

"oh," Matt replies, pulling out of the parking spot. "hey, i have Panera girl you have bookstore girl."

"let's stop talking about it," the girl whines.

"ok, ok. fine."

i have no idea how to transition
it from past to present so the present
will continue in the next chapter :)

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