I had gotten to my house. Tia had caught a taxi to the airport. I should've done the same. The Killer had burst though the wooden door, axe in hand, ready to kill me. My head was spinning with fear as I suddenly realised I was cornered. I did the only thing I could do. Fight. I snatched 7 knives out of the drawer. I threw 3 of them. Two pierced through the Killer's head. The other missed. The Killer eventually fell to the ground. I jumped over his body, got in my car and tried to drive to the same airport Tia went to. The Killer stumbled out of the house seconds after and stared at my car with a sickening gaze that could mentally scar any sane human being for the rest of their life. But There was one inhuman aspect to it. I couldn't put my finger on it.
The Killing: Taking Over
Random24 year old David, Silver's friend takes over Silver's quest to kill the killer Will he survive?