part 2

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we get to the cameron's house. me and rafe walk in and just go to his room. and this sure brings back memories. i pull out my phone and text matt

me- hi i just wanna tell you that i'm hanging out with rafe for a little bit
matt🪲- me and the boys are going over there soon, just don't do anything with him
me- i wouldn't ever
matt🪲- alright see you soon love you

i turn my phone off and look at rafe. his eyes already looking at me. fuck. why does he make me feel like this. he walks closer to me. he moves my hair behind my ear. his face moves closer to mine. our lips inches apart. i move closer and kiss him. he kisses back immediately his hands roaming my body. one goes around my neck the other under my shirt on my boob. i pull away and look at him. "fuck rafe. we cant keep doing this" i say.

i'm supposed to hate him. he's so mean to me all the time. then he gets like this. "cal it's been two years and i know you liked it last time so what's one more time" he says with a smirk on his face. i roll my eyes and just go sit on his bed.

soon i hear on knock on his door. rafe opens it and sees all the guys. "callieeeee!" topper says all happily. out of all matt's friends topper has always been my favorite. we all were hanging out in rafes room.

i ended up falling asleep, my head on rafes shoulder. i woke up an hour later with no one in there. i got up slowly, i then took one of rafes hoodies because it was really cold in his room for no reason.

pretty soon a very mad sarah walked in. "what the fuck callie you couldn't be nice to them for me?" she says very angrily.

"why do you even care your not gonna be with them for very long, we all know you'll come crying back to topper soon" i say, little did i know all the boys were right outside of rafes room. "callie what is your issue. you hangout with rafe for a few hours now you are being like him. your such a bitch" she says to me. that actually hurt. i feel tears starting in my eyes. she really just said i'm like rafe, that cold hearted guy? what the fuck. "sarah just leave, i'm sorry i don't like your new boyfriend or your new friends." i say. after that she leaves rafes room and goes into her room. slamming the door.

i start breaking down, rafe walks in leaving everyone else in the hallway. i know they're out there because i hear laughter and talking. rafe shuts the door behind him. he probably doesn't want to see weak in front of his friends which i get i guess. he gives me a big hug. i hesitate but hug back. i love this side of rafe, the sweet caring side. "i'm sorry for her she's such a bitch sometimes" rafe says. i feel guilty. i literally am a bad friend i secretly like her brother, i've slept with him, i didn't even give her a chance to introduce me to her new friends just because they're pogues. what's wrong with me. "am i a bad person rafe" i look at him with tears in my eyes. "no callie your not, your one of the best people i know, just because you don't like her new friends doesn't mean your a bad person." he says reassuring me, but it doesn't help.

soon matt and all of the guys walk in. "rafe what did you do" matt says "what nothing" rafe says confused i then ask matt to bring me home and he agrees. i then text kiara.

me- hey, i'm sorry for today. do you think i can go over and actually get to know you guys
kiara- yeah of course, i get it. you can come now. i'll have jj and john b go pick you up.
me- thank you

i soon get ready to go hangout with the pogues. who would've thought. the "kook queen" going to hangout with the pogues. i walk outside and see jj and john b waiting in their van. i think sarah told me they call it the twinkie? i hop in and say sorry to them.

we get to the chateau and i see pope and kiara sitting on the couch again. i smile at them and go sit down.

"i'm sorry guys. i shouldn't listen to everything the guys say. you all seem very nice" i say to them all and they smile at me

"it's okay, we all get it you grew up a kook rich all that and we grew up as pogues and we were poor. of course there would be kooks saying shit about us." jj says laughing i roll my eyes at him annoyed with what he said. my phone starts buzzing but i just put it on do not disturb.

i talk with the pogues for awhile then it gets late. i'm very tired and they all seem tired too. "i'm gonna head out guys i don't wanna keep you all up late" i say to them. "just stay here, you can take my room" jj says to me. i smile at him and say thank you. he shows me where it is and hands me a pair of sweats so i'm not in jeans. i realize i have rafes hoodie on still. oops.

"jj are you sure you wanna sleep on the couch it's not that comfortable." i say to him. "better me sleeping on it then you. gotta have the best for the kook queen" we both laugh. "just stay in here, i don't mind sharing the bed" i say to him with a smile. with no hesitation he climbed into the bed. i slowly shut my eyes and drift off to sleep. but i hear jj say something

"goodnight beautiful"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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