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A/N: Any and ALLLL further questions on what the heckles happened in the story will be answered here. So if you still have questions about the book, tell me and I'll be happy to answer them in this section!

( i have copied and used the same paragraph for three years ^^ )

bro this will be the fourth year gasp

       ⤷ (sometime in late 2021) Astral is: Written in the Stars—first book to this one so it'll kinda make sense ig? Aisling: In A Dream, btw—my first undeleted books (2020). OH AND MY COMING BACK AND CONTINUED BOOK: Hands of Time. Shameless promotion, GO CHECK THEM OUT

⤷ idk if anyone knows (well except icy—u know who u r), but delalisle is my OTP. So like back in chap 9, Silas was referring to Free—cause like he was in a relationship with Y/N and all that and he didn't want to ruin it

⤷ bro u gotta make ur otps suffer muhahahaha (jajajajajajaja—pls get the reference)

⤷  oh my gosh idk what to feel abt this book what??

⤷ dude i thought i already had stuff written down for this where'd it all go?

⤷ alright so this version u see was like a remake of an abandoned—for a good 6-9 months—wip with a half-solid idea of what happened

⤷ anyways i took the name 'Kai' from Ninjago aha nd js stuck w it ever since—i am very original i swear (no i promise i am most of the time except for silly lil cliches and names ahahahahhaha—)

⤷ the original prologue (bro there was a prologue) was that Y/N wanted a reason to celebrate because why not celebrate everyday and chose Shasa's coming-out as the perfect occasion

⤷ oh yeah nd kris confesses to shasa on like a stage thingy the club rolled up it was pretty cute

⤷ bro i mightve been high on something when I wrote this but i inserted myself nd magicked the happiness away and gave everyone potential character arcs

⤷ oh yeah i also scrapped ten chapters

⤷ (dw they werent important tho)

⤷ rmb that one scene i wrote when valt walked in on shu & free eating breakfast back at his apartment nd stuff and free told him that he couldnt cook—

⤷ (late 2022) ^^ so uh, headcanon that free can actually cook but like only for himself nd makes the food for others taste like absolute crap so no one will ask him to cook bcs he's lazy (relate tho aha)


⤷ also an ai summarized the book—WHICH IG IS PRETTY DECENT

⤷ If Y/N could turn back time, they would. If only they had said those things sooner. If only they knew what the other was thinking, even after all this time. Then maybe, things wouldn't be like this.

Regrets and what-ifs filled their minds as they replayed the moments that led to their current situation. Y/N tried to keep things light-hearted, hoping to ease Free's pain, but it only made things worse. The final argument in the woods led to Free wanting to break up, but Y/N offered a break instead and left, leaving both unsure of where they stood.

Y/N pretended that their relationship was going well, only revealing the truth to their friends and Kai. But when Kai leaked the information, chaos ensued. Free traveled to the states to find Y/N, but their reunion was short-lived. Y/N couldn't handle Free's trauma and needed to heal themselves first.

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