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I pumped my legs faster as i turned down another corridor. My footsteps echoed across the antique walls, making the portraits curse at me. While slowing down, i clutched my herbology book tight to my chest. "I need to run more," i wheezed as i caught my breath. I could nearly tasted the bitter smell of herbs and greens, as i stumbled towards the door. Mr. Longbottom hovered in the doorway with wild, untidy chestnut hair and lopsided glasses.

'Albus, you are late once again. I have to give you a detention," Neville sighed as he observed his grandson. With his thin face and unkempt hair, the younger boy was a mirror image of his father. "Get inside and open your book to page 332." I nodded, and hurried inside, but my eyes widened when i saw the blonde, whose eyes left a chill in my spine. Malfoy. Scorpius Malfoy.

I quickly avoided his eyes and scurried next to Rose. "Look it's your little boyfriend," she giggled at my awkwardness.

"Shut up, Weasley."

"Make me, Potter."

"I will Avada Kedavra your ass."


We jumped as Mr.longbottom slammed his book onto his desk. "Miss. Weasley , I suppose you don't want to join Mr.Potter in detention do you?" Rose shook her head, a fearful look on her face. She has never gotten a detention before and probably never will. She's so much like her mother. "Well then, please do not distract the class."

It was nearly at the end of the class I felt something hit the back of my head. A piece of plain paper laid at my feet. I was about to pick it up when another piece of paper landed on my desk. I opened it to see neatly cursive handwriting.

Why is it that your always so gorgeous??

I couldn't help but smile. It was such a cute note. What was worse is that I couldn't pinpoint who this came from. We have a lot of S.M's in this class. Sam Miller? No he doesn't have the guts to do this. Sarah Mason? No, she's a lesbian. Seamus Martin? He's horrible at throwing and he's on the other side of the room. Sebastian Malcolm? No he's a homophobe and straight. Sabrina McDonald? She's not here today. Who could it be?

Another one had landed at my feet and I picked it up. Before I could read it, Mr.longbottom had interrupted. "Mr.Malfoy can you please explain why your sharing notes with Mr.potter?" My head nearly snapped off from how hard I whipped it to face Scorpius. How could I forget. Scorpius Malfoy. S.M .

Scorpius seemed unfazed with what had just happened. He shrugged to the teacher, like he wasn't even a slightly bit embarrassed. "Detention, Mr. Malfoy," Neville mumbled.

When Neville went back to teaching I looked back at Scorpius. His stone grey eyes were already pinned on me. He winked at me, before looking back at his work. I whipped my head around to the front, a heating sensation filling my cheeks.

He winked at me?!


The detention room was small and filled with all types of herbs and plants, the smell electrifying and powerful. I've always liked the smell of plants, peppermint to be exact. Scorpius was seated on my grandfathers desk with a cigarette in his hand. I cleared my throat, "My mother says it's bad to smoke". The blonde took a big breathe before letting the smoke filter through the room.

"Maybe because your mother had never smoked before" He replied, flicking his cigarette on the edge of the desk. I nodded because he was right, she hasn't. Scorpius Slid off the desk and walked towards me. He was so elegant in the way he did it. As if he was walking down the red carpet, his hip swaying so perfectly. He towered over me by a good 2 inches, his lean build a lot more stronger than his fathers. He has his fathers charcoal grey eyes and frosty hair but he has his mothers dazzling smile and smooth hips.

He held out the end of the cigarette towards me. "Take a hit," he offered. I shook my head and took a tiny step back.

"I've never done that before" I admitted. I wouldn't lie and say that I've never thought about doing it and how it would feel like but I was too much of a coward. I guess that's why I wasn't sorted into Gryffindor.

"Oh? Okay so this is what we're going to do" Scorpius ordered as he sat onto the table just beside me. I almost shrieked when he suddenly pulled me into his lap. I was so close to his face that I could almost taste the intoxicating smell of cigarettes and peppermint.

"What are you-" he cut me off by placing his firm hands on my hips and leaning close to my face. Why did it feel good?

"Do what I do," Scorpius whispered. He parted my mouth slightly with his fingers and tilted my head. "When I give you the smoke you must breathe it in, alright?" I nodded at his commands. I put my hands on his shoulders to steady myself and got comfortable on his lap. His sudden gasp made me stop. He watches me, lashes low over his eyes and pomegranate  lips slightly apart.

He repositions my head and leans in our lips were touching ever so often. He blew the smoke into my mouth and I inhaled in. I covered my mouth as I coughed hysterically. The blonde underneath me laughed and rubbed my hips slowly. "Wanna try again? This time don't breathe in so fast." I huffed and repositioned myself.

He once again leaned in and breathed into my mouth. Smoke and peppermint. I breathed in slowly and it didn't feel as bad this time. I slid of his lap, his beady eyes trailing my every move.  If it isn't obvious by now, I'm gay. And this situation isn't helping. Just before anything else could happen the door had opened.

Neville watched the space between us and eyed Scorpius. "You may go now," he spoke slowly, suspicions lingering around in his head. I grabbed my books and headed out the door, avoiding Neville and Scorpius's eyes.

Suddenly peppermint and cigarettes are my favourite smell.

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