Chapter 15

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6 Months Later

Nick: Alright buddy come on gotta get up for Nursery

Liam: Why Dada

Nick: Cause you have too now come on, come get breakfast

Liam: Okay


Nick: Morning

Skye: Morning how cranky is he

Nick: Doesn't want to go in

Skye: Well he's gonna have to learn that this is how life works doing things he doesn't want too

Nick: You wanna tell him that

Skye: Hehe, Liam Breakfast is ready

Liam: Coming Mumma

Nick: I swear he likes you more than me

Skye: Completely possible

Nick: I know

Skye: Well he has been really good lately especially on weekends maybe he deserves a treat

Nick: Like

Skye: Maybe let Paige take him to a Rampage taping

Nick: Could do that

Skye: Well it's in two days so decide fast

Nick: Not just on me remember

Skye: Yeah but I'm busy carrying our child so you can make decisions for a bit

Nick: Well it's decided then he's going to the taping this week

Skye: Pretty quick decision you made there

Nick: Well he's earned it and I'm tired

Skye: Understandable, when's your next surgery

Nick: Well that all depends on how the scan on Friday goes

Skye: Well I'm joining you for that so let's hope for good news

Nick: Yeah now you wanna phone Paige or will I

Skye: I'll do it whilst you take Liam to Nursery

Nick: Okay, eat up buddy gotta go soon

Liam: Okay

Friday Morning

Skye: I wonder what'll happen I mean it's his neck anything can happen literally I just hope it's nothing bad

Nick: What's got you lost in thought m'lady

Skye: Just what could possibly happen at this scan today I mean it's your neck

Nick: So anything is possible, I get it but we have to get up and get Liam ready for Nursery also have to get his bag ready for Paige coming at half 11

Skye: Your right let's get the little one dealt with first then worry

Nick: That but without the worrying part

Hospital appointment

Nick: Alright Doc what's the news

Doc: You can return to the ring and not be at risk of one injury to your neck ending it all

Nick: And the rest of my body

Doc: Well everything is in good shape including your shoulder I know that was a major worry for you, but everything is 100% so your good to go

Skye: Great I have a perfectly fit boyfriend to help look after the expected baby

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