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I didn't chase after Issac when he disappeared back around the corner.

I didn't knock on the guest room door to check on Jenny.

I didn't call Lauren and ask to meet at her place so I could break down and complain about the shit that's already happened since Jenny came home. The shit I wanted to avoid in the first place.

I didn't sleep that night.

I didn't thank Freddy properly at work the next day for going to the airport for me, I didn't tell him about the dinner, I didn't tell him about my encounter with Mr. Pierce.

I didn't— "Ms. Jameson?" A voice calls from the doorway, I lean back in my chair and stare in question.

It was a woman that couldn't have been taller than 5'4, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. Wearing a pant suit in an expensive looking dark blue, and holding a clipboard tight to her chest with a mellow smile. The most generic movie secretary in history.

"Hi, I'm Finley, Mr. Pierce's secretary. If you'll please come with me, he'd like to see you." She stands quietly by the door as I get up from my seat, forcing my limbs awake.

I don't greet her, I smile half-heartedly and follow in her footsteps across the building. Bitchy? Meh. Do I care? Meh.

Why is he here? Why does he want to see me? Is he offended? Shouldn't he want to see my boss or something? No wait, isn't that worse? I don't want to talk to him, I'm too tired. Do I look beast like right now? Do we have a meeting? Did I forget we had a meeting? Was I supposed to prepare something? I'm too tired.

"Here we are. I'll be right out here if you need anything." Finley says as we creep upon the conference room.

"Oh, um— thank you." I sputter. She opens the glass door for me and I walked inside to see Mr. Pierce at the conference table. Just him. No one else. No clipboards, no notepads, no pencils or pens, no boards, no laptops. Just him, alone in a room, with a potted plant in the corner that looks to be neglected by the staff.

"Mr. Pierce?"

"Ms. Jameson." He nods.

"Ruby is fine, really. Very few people call me Ms. Jameson."

His gaze lingers on me as I step further into the room. "Well, unfortunately I quite like formalities. But I'll keep your offer on the table. Sit, please." He gestures his hand to a seat near him.

I sit at the end of the table, ignoring his invitation. He lets out a low breathy chuckle to himself. "I'm sorry, I wasn't prepared for a meeting." I adjust my chair.

"Don't think of it as one, it isn't really."

"What is it, then?"

"You caught my attention last night, no one has ever slept during one of my presentations..."

Oh God, erase it from your mind, please. "I'm so sorry. I really was just tired. I'm sorry I didn't mask it better, or apologize clearly after the meeting... the wine spoke for me." I crease my lips in slight embarrassment.

"No, no need for apologies, I'm not upset. I'm here to propose something."

"Okay..." I stifle a yawn. Gosh, what is wrong with me?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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