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"Don't run past the fence."

The mother gave her two younger cubs a lecture, reminding them about the dangers of running past their property. The kids look at each other, giving a little look of disapproval. They had heard this a million times over before.

"Can we go now, ma?" The eldest of the two asks, crossing their arms.

"You may. Go get your older sister and tell her to watch you two." And with that, the mother turned her back and tended to the dinner that was on the stove. She stirs the pot and brings down the heat, placing the lid over.

The children didn't even stay a second longer after hearing those words. She ran all the way to their sisters room, barging in without knocking or stating their arrival. They jump on the bed, waking the sister up yelling.

"Fritz! Fritz! Mom said take us outside!" Exclaims one

The girl sat up, grabbing her pillow and knocking her brother over onto his butt to stop the rumbling. "Ginger.. You break my bed and I crack your bones." She threatened, which only brought a laugh to the boy as his tail started to wag.

"In a million years!" He laughs while getting off the bed, followed by the sister.

"Well, let me get dressed, get out."

The younger sister blew raspberries at the eldest before the two ran out the room, leaving the door open behind them. Fritz sighs as she was forced to get up and closed the door, heading to her closet to put on some clothes..


The sky was clear, with an occasional few clouds here and there, the smell of the flowers from the nearby field made the smell in the area aromatic. It wasn't too hot, and just windy enough for the trees to shake their branches and dance lightly. It was quite the perfect day..

The children could be heard laughing and seen playing with toys, that was, until it got quiet.

After the sister stopped being distracted by the beauty of the area, she turned to her siblings and walked over. She saw them looking over the wooden fence staring into the grass to what appeared to be a rabbit.

"Moms cooking already, we can have rabbit stew later.." Fritz reminds them, putting a hand onto Ginger's shoulder and patting it, letting him know they should head back to the middle of the yard to play instead of near the edge of their limit.

"But.. What if we had it tomorrow? Can't we meal prep like mom does?"

Fritz didn't see what was wrong with that. In fact, she wasn't against it besides the fact the rabbit was on the other side of the fence.

That also brought her to the question. What else was on the other side? Their mother had always warned them of never going onto the other side because it was dangerous, but was never told exactly what was on the other side. She was in thought.

"Pretty please?" The youngest sister put her hands together and began to give Fritz puppy eyes.

"Stop it, Berry, you already know Fritz won't do it, she's too scared." Ginger sighed, beginning to walk off.

Fritz surely didn't like being tried up like that, so she took the challenge. "Fine. I'll go get the bunny, but you two have to go back to the field.."

They obeyed, standing back a few feet and watched as their sister began to climb over the fence. They were all tense, but once Fritz was on the other side they all stared at each other nervously.

The air was still, until Fritz realized nothing was happening to her. She was completely fine. "This side of the fence is okay, guys. Just stay there, i'll be back, alright?" Her tail flickers, before she got on all fours and started to run after the small animal.

The siblings watched, but little did they know they'd never see their sister after that.

The rabbit ran as fast as it could, but little to Fritz's knowledge, it was a bait animal. It was a good chase, until it came to a dead end. The rabbit took a turn and now was no where to be found.

Fritz stood in the middle of a circle now, surrounded by the forest. She started to sniff out the area, the stiff leaves crunching under her feet and hands under her.

She then heard a faint voice. The sound of a human. She heard vicious tales about these entities. She froze up, becoming silent.

"Now." The voice calls.

And suddenly. Bars of a cage come up and Fritz was trapped with no chance of escaping. She was frantic, banging against the walls and crashing her body into them to try and free herself. Then, she saw a tall, slender man come up to her and squat down to her height.

"Finally caught one of those damned animals. You'll be very valuable, miss."

While he spoke, Fritz was injected with a tranquilizer. She tried to fight the sleep badly, growling at the man and baring her teeth to try and scare him, but it was futile. Her movements grew weaker and she became sleepier until she eventually passed out, unconscious..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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