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The officer escorting you from the asylum let you into the house it was already furnished all you had to do was put the rest of your boxes in. The officer left as you dragged the 5 boxes you had in the house. Once you were finished you looked at the job application that had been approved. You were going to work at a candy shop with a man named Kevin. You were gonna start tomorrow. The asylum gave you 50$ to buy food but you knew you weren't going to do that. You put the money in a cute little box in a drawer next to your bed with the basement key and memories not to remember.

You walked out the front door and made your way around town. You saw a restaurant across the street from your house. 'boys and grills' it said. Had a little ring to it you could say. Maybe you'll go there next time you feel like eating something. Which will probably be in a few days. You walked down the street and saw the candy shop you were gonna work at. You walked in and Kevin greeted you, taking a second glance. "Oh hi! You're gonna be the new worker?" He asked. "Yeah actually.." you said getting a little anxiety inside. You weren't good with people and you were really shy. He watched you fidget with your fingers for a second. "Would you like to just come back tomorrow and we could talk a bit?" He asked. "Sure.." you said and walked out as the anxiety was starting to build up more. You thought about checking out the restaurant a bit. You walked over to it

Once you got there you opened the door and walked in. After the door on the bell dinged a tall man with black hair and baggy eyes came to greet you. "Hello" he said glancing at you for a second then doubling back. "Oh you're the new kid." He mused looking down at your small figure. "You could say that I guess.." you said. You looked up at him. "What can I serve ya darlin'." He purred. "Uhm.. I just came to look.." you said brushing off the pet name. "You look like you haven't eaten in years you should really put a little meat on those bones darlin'." He said looking you up and down. "No thanks.. sir.." you said slowly walking out.

As you walked back home thinking of what just happened your face heated for a split second. 'nuh uh.' you mentally told yourself. 'you don't fucking like him' you internally screamed. You walked into your house closing the door and locking it sitting on the couch. you sat there thinking for a second and then went to take your meds. Anti depressants and schizophrenia plus some meds that make it so you don't go manic medications. After that you went to take a shower and go to bed.

As you layed in bed you thought about the guy at boys and grills again. He probably called everyone darling you weren't special. You internally wished you were but you shoved that feeling away. you slowly drifted to sleep.

You woke up to your alarm blaring at you. You slowly got up still drowsy. You couldn't sleep that well. You were used to sleeping in a white padded room on the white padded floor. You got up got dressed brushed your teeth combed your hair and walked out the door down to the candy shop. Kevin greeted you and told you to come to the back. The store wasn't opened yet. "So Bob said your pretty shy and I noticed how anxious you were so all you need to do is fill the candy containers and stuff when they're almost empty ok?' he said. "Who's bob..?" You asked. "The man working at boys and grills" Kevin replied looking at you. You looked down not wanting to make eye contact and agreed to do what he said.

After that the day dragged on. A lot of customers and candy fills later you walked home exhausted. you were looking down with your hands in your pockets. You bumped into someone who caught you by your waist. "Sorry.." you said looking up surprised at who it was. "It's fine darlin' " bob said letting go of your waist. He smiled at you ruffling your hair. You slightly flinched when he raised his hand but it was a small flinch and he didn't notice. "I heard ya workin for Kevin." He said. I nodded looking down. "Do ya need help with anythin in your new house?" He asked. "No.. not really.." you haven't looked in the basement yet you realized you were to scared to go alone. "actually yeah I need help with something." You said hesitating. He looked at you expectantly. "Uh the basement has no light and im a bit scared to go alone.." you said. He looked at you for a second. "I could come with ya." He said. You sighed. "Right now or tomorrow?" "I can come now" he replied grabbing your hand and walking to your house. You followed and opened the door walking to get the basement key. You walked back with the key and opened the basement door. It creaked open loudly. You both walked down the steps. You didn't want to go down their alone mainly because the light switch was all the way down and you didn't know if there was someone or something down there that could hurt you and you wouldn't be able to see. He switched on the light and you looked around unfazed. The walls were covered in blood and there was bloody tools hung up on the walls. You stood there for a second. You were unfazed because you saw a lot of blood and death and shit like this in the asylum. He looked at you surprised you weren't screaming. You looked at him. "I will just lock this basement and tell the police and never open it again." You said. "Sounds like a plan." Bob said.

After talking with the police about it they came to investigate a bit get some samples and take the weapons. You locked the basement and locked the key in your dresser putting the key to the dresser in the closet hidden. you got dressed and got in bed completely wiped. Sadly..

You forgot your medicine

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