See You Around

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Her golden hair shimmered in the sun, bouncing around her face as she laughed at the anecdotes of the woman next to her. Her white dress swayed as she walked up the dirt path to a grand estate. The thigh-high boots covered most of what could have been seen below the hem of her dress. Scars adorned the visible creamy skin of her shoulders and arms from battles past. The lean carrot top, Tartaglia, watched from afar as the woman he longed for disappeared beyond the tall, oriental, dark gray outer walls of the Kamisato residence with her companions.

She was always surrounded by friends, helping people wherever she went. The young lady of the Kamisato clan was a beauty with an elegance unmatched by most. Her long, blueish hair swayed as she strolled next to the woman he admired. The energetic pixie, Paimon, floated alongside the women, her short, white hair and limbs bobbing from her excitement at the prospect of food, no doubt.

Two men entered the residence behind the three ladies. Both men, the master of the Kamisato clan and his retainer, were very popular. One held status, money, and devilish looks. He was tall, slender, and as elegant as his sister with the same blueish silver hair, just short and combed over to one side. His suit, though designed with elements of the country's oriental style, was modern and pure white without a speck of dirt.

The retainer, supposedly named Thoma, had an upbeat personality, cared for his community, and also held handsome features. Just watching the giggling girls in front of him gave him an elated smile that would bring almost anyone comfort. His dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and his full bangs covered a strange headband with horns. Though his body was slim, his muscle tone was apparent under his black shirt and red jacket. Thoma rested the weight of his spear against his shoulder.

As the doors closed, Tartaglia caught a glimpse of the retainer touching Lumine's shoulder. He was used to seeing her get along with people, and he knew he couldn't be by her side the way they could. He was a Fatui Harbinger, an elite soldier of his country, one that does all sorts of ugly deeds regardless of who gets hurt as long as his queen's orders have been met. And Lumine was a hero of three countries, even battling him once. She viewed the Fatui as scoundrels, and he knew they could never have the trust required for a true bond. However, seeing her with her companions this time, he felt a heaviness deep in his stomach, wishing he could switch places; to touch her without receiving that look of suspicion she so often gave him.

"Master Tartaglia-" asked a hooded figure that appeared behind Tartaglia.

"What do you want?" asked Tartaglia.

"I'm reporting back that we have found a ship to take us back to Liyue tomorrow morning. I'm sorry, sir. We couldn't arrange anything sooner."

"I see... That's fine. Be gone."

The Fatui messenger disappeared, leaving Tartaglia to his thoughts once again. Very few people gave him the thrill of a good fight. Lumine was one of the few who came to his mind, and of those she also gave him another feeling. This was akin to what he felt for his family, just... different. He couldn't put his finger on it.

Whenever he thought of Lumine, a smile would reach across Tartaglia's face. She was strong, intuitive, beautiful, kind, and honest. If fighting and their travels were the only things connecting them, he took any opportunity that gave him the chance to see her no matter how small, including his trip to Inazuma. He wanted another sparring match, but he was just as happy to be on the same team again.

When he first met her, he didn't think much of her, just like he didn't think much of anyone. He thought she was too naive, even if he knew she didn't fully trust him. However, the more time he spent with her, the more he saw her strength, both physical and mental. Her desire to help people seemed like a weakness at first, but after Osial was defeated, he realized how special she was. She was too good for him, a bloodthirsty maniac. He may not have deserved her, but he wanted to be a part of her life.

See You Around (Childe X Lumine)Where stories live. Discover now