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Dinosaur Reserve: the animated series is a series of episodic adventures focusing on two teenagers named Lucas Rex and Hannah McKenzie (along with Hannah's pet anurognathus Annie) who are on a school field trip to attend the grand opening of her f...

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Dinosaur Reserve: the animated series is a series of episodic adventures focusing on two teenagers named Lucas Rex and Hannah McKenzie (along with Hannah's pet anurognathus Annie) who are on a school field trip to attend the grand opening of her father Norman McKenzie's new prehistoric zoo known as Dinosaur Reserve in San Diego, California (her dad Norman is basically a black John Hammond) and get into hijinks when they sneak off from the rest of the class to get a peek at the time portal (which is where the park gets its animals from, pulled straight from the past) when they stow away into the back of the jeep owned by the park's resident wildlife adventurer and professional dino-wrangler Roger Temple (who would be voiced by Nigel Marven) and get accidentally roped into his expedition to the ancient past to collect new extinct animals to add to the park's collection. my pitch for this series would basically be prehistoric park meets camp cretaceous with a bit of secret life of the zoo sprinkled in.

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