unlucky day

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"Elijah!" Mom called from downstairs. "Wake up!"

Elijah slowly opened his eyes, annoyed by his mother's voice. He hated how overprotective and strict she was, especially when it came to basic responsibilities.

"Make sure you use the bathroom! Brush your teeth, and comb your hair! Come down in 15 minutes," She called again before doing her home chores again. "Ugh... I will," Elijah mumbles, getting up from bed.

He stretches, cracking his back and knuckles. Another normal boring school day, he thought. He looked at himself in the mirror and started brushing his brown streaks of hair, fluffing them up. Mom always hated how his hair looked, but at this point, he didn't care.

He'd walk to the bathroom and look at the toilet. Meh, he really didn't need to use it anyway, so he didn't. Either way, there were bathrooms in school... right?

As he brushed his teeth, randomly, he'd get a notification from her girlfriend Courtney. Huh? She never texts me at this time, he thought. He took his phone, and read the message. remember the exam we have today? Holy shit, there was an exam? there was an exam!? He messages before spitting out his toothpaste. How come no one told me this? yes, stupid! everyone's been talking about it for the past 2 weeks 😐 Fuck... and people were talking about this. How did I not know about this? He thought. Elijah messages her back, shit... idk what to do now, i forgot to study and i never knew there was an exam! and would then put away his phone. Gosh... all of this in one day...

He would put on a hoodie and jeans, and would go downstairs. He hoped Mom didn't already know about the exam, otherwise she might make the situation worse. He got his JanSport backpack on, and would leave the house. Elijah was freaking out, but he hoped there could be a way to skip the exam.

"Hey!" Courtney waved from the bus stop. "Hi," He responds, ruffling her hair. "How are you?" She asks, looking over outside to see if the bus is coming or not. "It was fine, until I realized that there was an exam." Elijah was so ashamed, but luckily he's got her girlfriend for support. "Oh, how did you not know about it? Did you just... not listen during class or.."
"I honestly have no idea, okay? No one told me about it, but it's fine, I can just somehow skip the exam." He looked around, and would see the bus. "Well, come on now, let's go- the bus is here."

The bus would stop at the bus stop, and the two of them would head on inside.

Exam DayWhere stories live. Discover now