The First

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The most I wanted to get out of publishing this to Wattpad was to hopefully make a sucessful character in the autistic/ADHD compartment. I have a very good friend that I think said they had ADHD, and I've always been intrigued by those with autism, so I really hope this went well! ENJOY!

          Mina Parke. Mina Parke. Mina Parke ... If I keep saying my name, then I won't forget it... right?

"Yellow eyes..." "Yellow eyes!?" "A Monster..." "Lock her away!" "She shouldn't be alive..."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" "Sorry, I don't know who you are..." "RONALD!? WHERE ARE YOU!?" "Don't miss the bus this time!" "Yeah, that movie was amazing!"

I can hear you...

"STOP IT! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU! STOP IT! I BEG OF YOU!" She cries out, hands over her ears, shaking her head. it's so loud... there's too much... she's cornered herself. All she can hear are voices. Billions. Different words, different sounds, different accents, she can barely hear her own thoughts.

Mina Parke. Mina Parke. Mina Parke...

Who's Mina Parke...?

"Mina, please calm down! What's wrong with you!? Why are you yelling??" A kind voice she doesn't recognize speaks. Mina opens her eyes, everything is blurry. Black spots dance around the room. laughing.

"I-it's not funny... please s-stop laughing!" She sobs, digging her face into her long, messy, black hair. It's cascading over the legs she's wrapped her arms around.


"Mina... nobody's laughing... please, tell me what's wrong!" A soft hand rests on her shoulder, but she screams. "NO! STOP! IT'S NOT FUNNY, IT'S NOT FUNNY!"

Another hand falls on her other shoulder, and she's being shaken lightly. "MINA!? Mina, breathe! It's just an anxiety attack, you're okay! Mina, BREATHE!"


She takes a big gasp. And another. And another.

"I-... I can't... I can't... I C-CA-CAN'T BR-BREATHE!" Gasp. Wait. Gasp. Wait. Gasp. Wait...


Gasp. Wait. Gasp. Wait. Gasp. Wait... Sirens. Head hurts... something touches my lips. Gasp. Wait. Wait... wait...


I can't hear you...


Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.

Tap, tap, tap?

Her fingers rattle away on the table.

Tap, tap, tap.

"Mina, you should stop," she says to herself. She knows she said it, she can feel it in her throat, but she didn't hear it. Right now, she can't hear anything. The silence is a blessing in disguise. Noise-cancelling headphones, her savior. She wouldn't have been sitting where she was today if Carter didn't get them for her.

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