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As the red blue yellow black green silver and gold rangers are fighting a monster a car speeds hitting monster as a cloaked figure jumps out and fights grinders and destroyed them easily

Scott who the hell is this guy he's beating them all by himself

Summer was watching as something feels familiar to her about this guy

The guy glares at the monster in hate and reveals himself

The guy glares at the monster in hate and reveals himself

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Summer gasped as she demorphs and tears was forming

The others demorphs as they couldn't stay morphed

Gemma stares at the guy and blushes

He reveals a orange engine cell and morpher on wrist

He reveals a orange engine cell and morpher on wrist

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He puts it in Morpher


They gasped shocked even Dr

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They gasped shocked even Dr.K who was watching

Naruto this is for my big sister you creep NITRO SABER SABER SLASH *destroyed monster then it grows*

Naruto green black call your zords and give me my zord cell now

They do so and he jumps in

Naruto VALVEMAX MEGAZORD FULL POWER *destroyed monster quickly and jumps out landing in front of summer who runs and hugs him*

He demorphs and hugs back

Then summer and Naruto parents appears hugging Naruto when they saw him

Naruto hugs back

To be continued

naruto landsdown the rpm orange ranger Where stories live. Discover now