╰►Style | Yoimiya

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A/N::very short and rushed, my bad. I was trying to finish this to clean up my drafts🥲🥲

Modern au btw

"Cause we never go out of style,
We never go out of style."

12 am

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12 am.
You were hugging yourself as you sat beside your bed and you just so happen to look at the time. You couldn't sleep.

Too many thoughts filled your head and it became overwhelmingly suffocating. And even if you tried to sleep, nightmares would come haunting you, forcing you to wake up.

You wanted to cry, to succumb into the pain and cry out, but your throat betrayed you as it dries out. All you could do now was bury your head in your arms.

You should've just died when you had the chance. You should've just jumped off right then and there. You should've just- RINGGGGGG

The sound of ringing interrupted your thoughts, and you scrambled to find where the god awful sound came from and eventually, you found it. It came from your phone, someone was calling you.

You grabbed your phone to pick it up and it's bright screen almost blinded you. Just when your eyes adjusted to the brightness, the call ended.

You groaned, calling the number back. It picked up almost immediately. Who could be calling you at this time of the night?

"Y/N? Hi!" Oh, it was Yoimiya. You guys have been friends since you were children and she'd always been there to comfort you or distract you from your negative thoughts.

"Oh, Yoi, Why'd you call?" I respond, my voice, fortunately, doesn't sound too much like I cried.

"Ah, I was wondering if you wanted to uh, maybe go out for some food," I hear the sound of shuffling. "because I saw you were online and I thought maybe you couldn't sleep, and i couldn't either so.." she continued.

"Sure, i mean, you're right, i couldn't sleep. And I'm not doing anything anyway."

"That's great! I'll go get my car keys and I'll see you in 5, does that sound good?"

"Mhm, sounds great to me. I'll get ready." And with that, we hung up the phone.

You spent the next 5 minutes scrambling to your bathroom to fix yourself up. Once you were done, you went downstairs. As you open the door, you see Yoimiya. She was just about to reach out to the doorbell.

"Hey." You greeted.

"Hi! Good, uhmm, night? What do you wanna get?" She asked.

"Uhm, McDonald's sounds great, plus it's the nearest one around, you wanna get that?"

"Sure! Im fine with anything!"

And with that, you both got in the car and drove off.

The drive was... Not so peaceful..

You both were jamming off to taylor swift and were basically going through every emotion you could in a 10 minute ride.

You guys eventually arrived to McDonald's and you go through the drive thru, ordering yours and yoimiya's food.

After a few minutes, you guys finally got your order and went back to her car to drive off your favorite hangout place-The park.

You guys set a cloth, that was always in yoimiya's trunk, down at the grass.

As you stargazed and all that fun stuff, you had caught yourself staring at her more than a few times. You couldn't help it, she was all too beautiful underneath the moonlight.

"Hey..." You call out, in a hushed tone.

"Yeah?" She answers.

"I think I.... like you.."

544 words.

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