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Tom is ill prepared for Potter's appearance. He had heard from Harry that they share the same goals... but he is more confused than reassured. Why does a version of Harry want him dead? And how does he know of Tom's plan?

And, now, why does he want to talk to Tom?

His first instinct when Harry shows him Potter and leaves the two of them alone in an abandoned classroom is to return to the diary. It is such a natural response that he almost does it, instantly, without regard for the consequences. He thinks that a retreat would be reasonable. The opposite of bravery is not cowardliness; it is self preservation.

But Potter would not think that, and Potter exists currently as an unknown. It is bad to give off such an incorrect impression so soon, and to someone that might exist as a powerful ally, if what he said to Harry in his dream was true... or enemy, it is isn't.

"It's Harry Potter," says Potter. "But you can call me Potter."

"So I've heard," says Tom. "I've also heard that you're my friend's new shadow -- following him around, giving him little snippets of advice here and there. For someone supposedly on my side, you're sure helping him a lot."

Potter raises an eyebrow. "For someone supposedly against him, it's odd to call him a friend."

Tom shrugs, leaning back on the heel of his feet. "Force of habit, I suppose."

Harry hums. "I am earning his trust. It's what you're doing by calling your friend, and it's an effective strategy for the both of us."

Tom follows his logic and his shoulders droop, becoming less tense. "I suppose so. He believes you his ally, then?"

"He is starting to. He is desperate, Harry is. That's why he latched onto you so quickly and that's why he'll do the same with me. He is so touch starved, so hungry for positive attention, that he will not realize it's with a lion he is cuddling." Potter grins, spreading his hands out in front of him. His green eyes seem to positively glow and Tom almost -- not nearly -- flinches back, before he remembers that he is Lord Voldemort and he is better than that.

Tom clears his throat awkwardly. "Do you always talk like that?"

"I have no idea what you mean," says Potter smoothly. He takes a deep breath, stepping a foot closer. "I wanted to talk to you about your plan to kill Harry -- or, rather, get him to kill himself."

Tom puffs his chest out defensively. "What about it?"

"It's a good plan," says Potter. He adjusts the straps on his suspenders. "But it won't work. I'm going to live through it, and I'm going to come out stronger than ever because of it."

"It's foolproof," hisses Tom, that familiar anger welling up inside him. He did not expect to get pissed off so quickly so soon. This Potter... he might be difficult to deal with. "It's the perfect revenge."

"And it, like all plans motivated by revenge, is flawed," states Potter. He shrugs. "It is fueled by emotions rather than logic. Anger, like love, skews the mind. It will fail. It is not foolproof."

"So your version of my plan is not powered by emotions?" hisses Tom. "It's superior to mine because?"

"Because your plan is good. It's not perfect, and won't work, but it's good. It has holes in it... and I'm here to plug them." He sticks out his hand to Tom. "Together, we can kill Harry. What do you say?"

But Tom is wary. "Why don't you just kill him?" demands Tom. Tom has his reasons for not being outright violent -- namely he wants his revenge to be sweet, and just what Harry deserves. But Potter? What reasons does he have?

"That's irrelevant."

Which is to say it's not, but Potter knows it's not a full on dealbreaker, so he doesn't have to disclose anything. But here is what is: "Why do you want the Boy Who Lived dead? Tell me, or I'm telling Harry you're trying to get him killed."

"If you tell Harry, I'll tell Harry."

"Guess we'll see who he trusts more, then, huh?" They lock eyes, caught in a staring contest, before Potter breaks away, sighing.

"Alright," he says. "Fine. I'm from the future. Harry hasn't had time to mention it yet, but I'm a version of Harry from the year 2007. I am immortal. Killing off Harry now is the only way to ensure that I can die. And no, I don't have to explain why or how this is so."

Tom blinks, absorbing the information. "You're... from the future?"

"That is what I said, yes."

"You're... immortal?"

"That is also true."

Tom still can't believe it. "You want Harry dead because you want to die?"

Potter scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Are you just going to keep repeating everything I said, or are we going to get on with it?"

"You're insane. And a liar," accuses Tom.

"Then tell me, how do I know about your plan to kill Harry, if not because I've lived it?" To Tom's still incredulous expression, he sighs. He plans a hand on Tom's shoulder. "Listen," he says. "It doesn't matter. Whatever monster you think I am, whatever backstory I might or might not have... it is completely and entirely irrelevant."

"Irrelevant," laughs Tom, prying Potter's fingers off his shoulder. "You keep using that word."

"Because it's true. Compromise is the nature of a true king. Will you rise to power, Tom, or will you fall?"

Tom stares at him, eyes squinted. "I don't know what that means."

"It means even if you don't trust me, even if you don't like me..." Potter grins. "There is nothing to lose by joining me."

And in a moment he will come to regret in the months and weeks to come... he sticks out his hand, lets Harry shake it, and says, "Okay. What did you have in mind?"

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