F I F T E E N 🥀

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Jungkook woke the next day in the bed with his knuckles wrapped. The only thought on his mind was Yoongi. He didn't know if they hurt him or if they even knew he was down in that room. Maybe he was okay. But maybe not.

As he sat up with a soft groan, the steel door swung open and the ponytail man waltzed in, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"The fuck you want, dickless?" Jungkook snapped. "Just you and your skills. I heard your conversation with your man and since you can't kill innocent people anymore, I want you to be my assassin." The other beamed with a grin.

"Why the fuck would I want to be an assassin? And especially working with you? Hell no." The boy said with a scowl.

The ponytail man just smiled and stood up, heading to an oak door. "I'll give you a proposition, just get dressed and meet me. Wear what you want and knock on the door once." He told and opened the door, revealing lines of clothes.

He then left the room, leaving Jungkook alone again. The boy shot up and ran to the door, scanning through all of the clothes.

They were mostly black colors which he didn't mind. He looked through them for a while before making a decision.

When he finished dressing, he went to the steel door and kicked it because he couldn't knock

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When he finished dressing, he went to the steel door and kicked it because he couldn't knock. It opened and the buff man motioned for Jungkook to follow him.

He did and kept silent. The hall they were walking down was dark and had purple and blue lights flashing like they were in a club.

As they walked further the walls were vibrating from booming music. They were definitely in a club.

"That was fast. Come, come." The ponytail man appeared and skipped down the hall until they stopped at another steel door. He opened it and led them inside. It was an odd looking room with old arcade machines lined up and dusty.

They walked in between then until they stopped in the middle where they were surrounded by the dusty games

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They walked in between then until they stopped in the middle where they were surrounded by the dusty games. A man sat in a chair with a bag over his head and his hands and feet tied to the legs of the chair. He was tied much like Jungkook was a few days ago.

"Now. If this was your mother, would you kill her?" He asked, trailing his fingers over the man's shoulders.

"Fuck yeah I would." Jungkook laughed. "And you're father?" "The fuck are these questions? Yes." The boy shot back.

"Hm, what about your lover?" The ponytail man grinned and slapped the man, him letting out a feminine shriek.

Jungkook froze at the question. Yoongi? No I would never kill my Yoongi. But maybe this is a test. He saw the ponytail man roll his eyes and then he walked off and came back with a pistol.

"I'll ask again. If this man was your lover, would you kill him?" He repeated in a cold tone, pointing the gun at Jungkook's chest.

The boy snickered and punched the gun out of his hand, the weapon falling to the ground and going off once. "Maybe." He said and placed his hands on his hips.

"Fine." The ponytail man let out and tossed the gun to Jungkook who threw it back. "I don't use guns. Noisy." He shook his head.

The ponytail man snapped his fingers and the buff guy handed over a silencer. "Not even with a silencer, dickless. It still makes a sound." Jungkook said. The ponytail man grunted and handed the pistol to the buff guy.

"Then what the hell do you kill people with?" He asked, folding his arms across his chest. "I can use that." Jungkook pointed to one of the arcade machines and both men let out laughs.

"What, you're gonna pick that up and throw it on him?" The buff man snorted and to that Jungkook shrugged and went over, actually lifting up the game.

Both men gasped when the boy threw it on top of the tied up man who screamed as it crushed his body.

The ponytail man let out a laugh and clapped his hands.

"You're hired!"

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