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You lay peacefully underneath Ichigo's bed more embarrassed then you ever could.

If you thought speaking publicly or even crying over spilled milk was bad. This would be the king and Emperor of it all. Your bare butt lay down as you covered your private areas with your hands.

All Captain Kurotsuchi said to do was to pour water on the miniature gigai and it would grow into shape.

What a disappointing trail of events.

1 hour ago...

"Do you have any water Kurosaki-kun?" You questioned sitting on top of his bed.

Ichigo reentered his gigai which sat in his desk chair. Well less gigai and more of an actual human body. He turned his head back confused before nodding.

"Yeah here, I didn't think you'd be hungry in that form." He stated placing a water bottle from his desk in your hand.

"Oh no, I just need it for my gigai." You explained pulling from your sleeve pocket a small figure of a gigai.

"Division 12 Captain Kurotsuchi told me to just put water on this and hold it in my hand. And I would quickly appear in my gigai." You stated opening the water bottle pouring some water on the figure.

You placed the water bottle beside you watching the figure closely. Ichigo took a seat next to you, looking with an equal amount of curiosity. Your eyes widened in shock, the figure beginning to glow a bright green. In an instant the fusion of both your souls occurred. A cloud of smoke filled the room.

You groaned rubbing your eyes from the tiring smoke. The gigai body feeling just like your spiritual body.

A breeze blew by and already you felt such disappointment. You screamed in surprise finding yourself full on naked.

Ichigo having been sat next to you turned red at the sight. His glare to you was one full of surprise and underlying confusion. Ichigo placed his hands over his eyes. Your face turned red before you quickly disappeared underneath his bed embarrassed by this display.

"Gomen! Gomen! Gomen!" You exclaimed with such embarrassment.

"Mizu-kun! It's fine, it's fine!" He exclaimed looking to the wall hiding his face from your figure.

The embarrassment struck you like a dagger to your heart. You lay they writhing in your own self pity. He was a man and you were a man, or at least something like it. Was this why you were  embarrassed? The thought of being judge by your appearance.. Or was it just really you being naked.

You were thin and had underlying muscles. Feminine in appearance but maintains some masculinity. Your body reflected your inner turmoil whether being masculine or feminine is the right way to go.

Would Ichigo be a personnel to judge you like that? In his eyes that confusion was based on something you felt was about this. Your body and although it was a mere second it plagued your mind.

Intrusive is the mind
Reflecting malice
Revealing true lies

Your poem crept into your mind as you stared to the creaks of the wooden beams of the bed.

The creaks creating images in the wood. Those of eyes that stared you down. Not the best imagery to be had at this point. You sighed wiping your eyes of the welled up tears.

"Hey." Your eyes turned to the knees that appeared to the side.

"I don't if this'll fit cuz you're smaller then me buy we can go to town to buy you new clothes." He placed a set of clothing onto the floor you laid on.

"I can leave the room if you need to change." He quickly rose to his feet walking away.

"Arigatou Kurosaki-kun.." You muttered with sincerity. Ichigo's heart fluttered.

"No problem." He walked opened his door and walked away.

You pulled yourself from under his bed. Wiping your eyes of any remaining tears. The clothing beside you was quite the image Ichigo presented to you. You wondered if you'd even fit with the clothes.

As to not make Ichigo wait you quickly pulled on the clothing he gave you. A v-neck white t-shirt that had Japanese floral designs across its bottom. Black pants that were highly baggy on you. The white belt with blue stripes across it holding onto your waist for dear life. You pulled on the socks and underwear he gave you too.

The shirt hung loosely on your shoulder the pants pretty much the same being baggy too.

The perks of being short. You felt your hair being an entire mess that clung to your shoulders. A sigh escaped your lips this caused your eyes to look around for a piece of string. Your eyes catching onto a thin long piece of red thread. With your hands already busy pulling your hair back you pulled the red string with your pinky to you. Finally you tied up your hair keeping it from your shoulders.

"Are you done?" Ichigo questioned knocking on the door.

"Hai!" You exclaimed finishing your parting of your hair.

He walked in with a tray of food.

"Apparently my sister and dad heard you so they cooked all this for you. I just told them you're a friend from school." He placed it onto his desk looking back to you. Taken aback by your cleaned up appearance.

"Y-you look good. I don't think I can wear that now." He stated looking at you in admiration.

"Thank you for giving me these clothes. Captain Kurotsuchi failed to inform me of the gigai situation." You stated walking to his desk looking to his family's cooked food. Miso soup, curry and rice with Mugicha.

Your heart fluttered sensing the consideration of the people who made it.

"Speaking of I think you'd better meet them. My dad offered to buy you new clothes." You looked to him in surprise before nodding.

"I'd they offer such kindness of course." You looked to Ichigo taking a bow.



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An Orange Filled Sky {Ichigo X Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now