❁002|Thank you❁

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Tws: Mention of self harm/cuts

Evas pov:

I dont know what i felt, all i know is i have to protect this poor girl. 

She looked tired and hurt and miserable "Sleep. I think after tonight you need it." i said with a light chuckle.

Eleanor looked at me and smiled. Before nodding her head and lying down on the couch.

Within a matter of minutes she was dead asleep.

I got a closer look of her injuries. 

She was wearing athletic shorts with an oversized shirt.

I saw scars littered on her thighs and arms. My heart broke.

I looked and i saw a long bandage covering a part of her knee. I carefully unwrapped it being careful not to wake her and i saw a large cut with little ones scattered around it. It really didnt look like self harm, unlike the other scars around her body. 

I re-wrapped the bandage before covering her with a throw blanket.

I moved the hair out of her eyes and lightly pressed a kiss to her forehead.

I silently promised to the sleeping girl that i would take care of her, i will protect her. I clicked with this girl, in a way a mother does with her daughter.

I smiled. Daughter.

Looking at the little girl thats the only word the rang through my head.

And i liked it. 

If she wanted too. I would love to have her as a daughter. Well... Of sorts.

I started doing my makeup before Reeve barged in

"Hey, Ev-" 

"Hey hey shh" i said quietly shushing my boyfriend.

"Wha-" he said before seeing the small figure under the blanket fall and rise

he whispered to me

"Who is that?"

"Her names eleanor, she was abused by her father so she ran from home. We ran into eachother.-" i smiled before turning serious and facing Reeve "Reeve, love. I want to adopt her, or at least foster her? or something. It just feels right." i said looking back the the little girl.

Reeve entwined his hand in mine "Darling, if thats what you wish and if she wants too. Then im in full support for anything you want to do." he said while pressing an affectionate kiss to my forehead. 

"Thank you, re. When shes awake and a little less flustered you all have to meet her. Can you please tell everyone else. Just tell them not to come into the dressing room without knocking. please" he nodded and smiled.

"I'll see you before show love" I lightly pressed a kiss to reeves lips before i saw him flush and walk out i laughed shaking my head.


I was in my full costume a large dark brown trenchcoat. with black jeans and a white tank top. My slip dress for the normal costume got lost in dry cleaning somewhere so i resorted to my act two outfit. Pairing it with black shoes. I added a light layer of blush before going and getting my mic on.

I sat in my dressing room. I had to watch eleanor, but i also didnt want to wake her with my vocal warmups. 

I sighed. I stepped out of the room, and quickly did voice onsets and a set of  higher note onset.

I stepped back in the room to see eleanor stirring on the couch. Before she shot up breathing heavily.

I grabbed the nearest closed water bottle and ran to her side.

She wrapped her arms around me as tight as she could. Still uneven breathing.

In my common instinct, i grabbed her and held her close to me.

"Hey hun, just breathe okay. Breathe. Your okay, im here. Nobody is going to hurt you." i said stroking her hair. 

Eventually, her breaths evened out, and instead of flinching back she leaned into my embrace. She hugged me back and sat like that for about five minutes before long i heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" i said still holding the girl.

"Places" stage management told me

"Thank you places" i said smiling at her

"What does that mean?" Eleanor said shooting up from the original placement on my chest tilting her head. I handed her a water bottle and while she drank it  i said

"It means i need to go to my first placement in the wings of the stage so i know when to go on. Uhm, that girl her names alice i'll show you where she is. You can see the show from the cameras and you can watch me if you want?" i said looking at her

"Okay, and yea! I would love that" she said smiling, suddenly seeming a lot better than before

"Okay. come on!" I said standing up and grabbing her hand. We ran down the hall with each other.

I didnt mention to her why she was crying. I didnt want to ruin her happiness. 

"Hey, Alice is it okay if Eleanor stays with you?" i said asking her, smiling

"Yeah of course! Uh- im alice nice to meet you" al said looking at eleanor

"Nice to meet you too, alice" she said smiling.

"Hey al.." i heard reeve say as i turned around

"There you are ive been looking for you" reeve said smiling. 

"Sorry love, i was getting Eleanor sorted out. Oh speaking of which Eleanor this is Reeve, my boyfriend and reeve this is Eleanor!"

Reeve laughed "Nice to meet you, Eleanor!" he said smiling

"Nice to meet you too, Eva i didnt know you have a boyfriend" she said furrowing her brows at me

"Oh didnt i mention it?" i said completely forgetting about Reeve when i met her

"Nope" she said smiling

Alice whispered at Eleanor

Eleanor nodded then said "Break a leg!" i laughed knowing Alice probably told her the story of unfortunate luck saying good luck to me and that break a leg is a better term

"Thank you" me and reeve said at the same time we laughed

"Break a leg guys" al said as we walked off. hand in hand, to our places.


(937 words)


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