He's back

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~the next morning~
"Wake up sleepy head" Colby said I was startled to see him on my floor witha blanket and a pillow "Did you sleep on the floor all night colbs"
"Yeah but only enough your floor is comfortable"
"That's really weird hmm"
"Yeah, really weird"
"Well I need to do what I always do in the morning"
"Change? Shower? Clean?"
"No blast heavy metal when I'm getting ready"
"You of all people listen to heavy metal? "
"Yeah. Wait you didn't think I did?" we just stared at each other until sam yelled "Yo y/n someone's here for you!"
"One sec!" I yelled back "Colby you have to leave so I can get changed"
"Okay I'll b in my room if you need me"
"I won't but okay" I then started to play my music and got ready "alright who's here for me" I said to my self "Hi how can I-" I stopped in my tracks it was HIM. "How did you find me Ajax" I said shuddering
"Babe I always do" he said "wait what y/n you have a boyfriend"
"Not anymore. I though I told you to leave me alone and stay out of my life"
"Well not all promises are kept pumpkin"
"Don't call me that Ajax"
"Or what hunny buns you'll try to hit me hm" he said almost laughing "SHUT UP AND GO AWAY ASSHOLE" I said yelling he started to grab my waist then Colby cut in "Get your grimy hands off her or else" Colby said territorial "Or else what tender loin" Ajax said laughing Colby rolled up his sleeves revealing his biseps "Okay tender loin has muscle but you don't know her like I do. Either way I will win her dick" Ajax said "My name Colby not tender loin or dick asshole" Colby said back
"Well then if we're going by names Colby then my names Ajax an I'm here to take what's mine back and thank you for keeping it safe"
"She's not an it and she has a name asshole"
"I thought we where going by name tender loin" Jake, Corey and sam then stepped in
"Back off jerk" Jake said
"Scram asshole" Sam said
"Get on go scram while you still can" Corey said Ajax then grabbed my shirt na di started to cry from flashbacks from the past "LET HER GO!" they all yelled Ajax let go of me and I ran behind Colby because I felt safe with him. "Come on short stuff come home with me I swear I won't hurt you"
"Why do you lie so much Ajax" I said still crying
"Oh no, no, no pumpkin I don't lie I just push my swear for later"
"Exactly bitch you 'push' you swears. That's not how they work asshole"
"Come here so I can knock some sense into you bitch. And show me more respect" I stayed behind Colby grabbing onto his shirt he then moved my hands to be on his stomach and held them
"Oh so y/n your cheating wow I thought you love me"
"I never loved you. My parents made a deal with your parents to get rid of me thats all we were a deal our parents made."
"Come HERE y/n" Ajax held his anger unlike what he usually did
"Shut up she won't go to you" Colby said calmly
"SHUT UP PRETTY BOY" Ajax yelled he was still outside the door so being brave I went up to the door." ah you found some sense" after Ajax finished that sentence I slammed the door in his face and locked it."FUCK YOU BITCH I WILL FIND YOU AN I WILL HURT YOU AGAIN JUST WAIT" Ajax yelled I then broke down in tears 'how did he know I lived here'
Ok new POV if something is like 'this' it means the character is thinking it hope you have a great day.
Luv ya bruvus ✖️🖤

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