Rainy's New Year's Concert #3 : Take Your Frustrations to the Climax!

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*The scene picks up backstage where Parfait and Pastry were hanging out in Parfait's dressing room. Well...more like Pastry watching Parfait freak out while the pop star was getting ready.*

Parfait: OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I'm not ready!! I'm not ready for my performance! Ahhh!

Pastry: You still have time to get ready. You are wearing your performing clothes and your contacts. Don't you have thirty minutes until your turn?

Parfait: Not really! I need to be close to the stage when it's my turn! Thirty minutes is only enough to do vocal practice! Agh! I'm so late!! My toppings are not ready!

Pastry: Hold on. *goes over to Parfait and got her to sit in front of the vanity. She starts putting toppings on Parfait's hair* The first performer, Rock Cookie I think-

Parfait: I think you mean Rockstar Cookie.

Pastry: -is starting and each performer has ten minutes on stage. And you have three performers before you. Thirty minutes and you just have to get the last of your toppings on you.

Parfait: But I don't have time!

Pastry: Are you sure?

*Parfait was about to say something when she noticed her hair was already done.*

Parfait: OMG! My hair looks amazing! How did you get this done in two minutes?

Pastry: Growing up, I was taught to get ready in minutes for morning prayers. *A quick memory of the Order flashed in her mind. A small town appears*

Parfait: Pastry...*notices Pastry's face and grabs her hands* Are you okay? Did I remind you of something bad? Do you need a minute?

Pastry: *tilts head* Hmm? Oh! No, I'm fine. Just a small memory is all. Thank you for checking on me. *a small smile appears* You still need to do your vocal training, correct?

Parfait: I do. But only if you're okay right now.

Pastry: I am. Please go ahead.

*Parfait smiled and started loosing her vocal cords. It was quickly followed with her singing scales. Pastry hummed a bit, trying not to distract the pop star. However, Parfait stopped.*

Pastry: *stops humming* Is everything okay?

Parfait: Just wondering what Licorice is doing right now.

Pastry: I'm sure he's fine. He's with other Cookies like Red Velvet.

Parfait: I know. I just wish he didn't have this last minute quest to go on.

Pastry: I'm sure he'll be watching the broadcast when it's your turn. *Parfait nodded but still had a frown on her face. Pastry puts a hand on her shoulder* Hey. I understand that feeling too. I wish Red Velvet was here too. But this was a mission they couldn't ignore for long. But they did say that they would be back as soon as they finish.

Parfait: *smiles* You're right. I just...wanted that New Year's kiss.
Pastry: New Year's kiss?

Parfait: It's when you share a kiss on midnight to celebrate the new year with your partner.

Pastry: My. It would be nice to have that with Red Velvet.
Parfait: Yeah, same with Lico. But I guess for now, *pulls out her phone* a cute selfie should be enough.

*Before Pastry could say anything, Parfait pulled Pastry closed and angled the camera toward them. Pastry smiled shyly while Parfait smiled widely. The picture was taken and Parfait quickly sent it to Licorice and Red Velvet. Not one minute later, both girls heard two loud thuds on the wall next to them.*

Pastry: What on Earthbread was that?

Parfait: It sounded like it was coming from the room B.A.D. 4 is in.

*Meanwhile, in the next room, Hellhound and ZZ Skull were leaning on the wall with looks of frustration and sadness.*

ZZ Skull: *tears falling down his face* This isn't fair...I should be in there with her! I should be in there with my Parfait!! WAH!

Hellhound: My Pastry is wearing that new dress my mother gave her. She looks beautiful in it! I should be by her side! Giving her affection! ARGH!!!!

Manager Scarlet: Would you two stop? We have a show to get ready for! You perform after Parfait. You need to get ready.

T.N.T.: Yeah. We only have a few minutes! Get your tough Cookie act!

Hellhound: Easy for you to say! You don't have a lover that you're hiding a secret! We can't even see them for a new year's kiss!

ZZ Skull: That would have been a great start to the new year!!

Manager Scarlet: Are they seriously going to keep doing this?

Affogato: *fixing up Mushy P.'s hat* You know the answer to that. Let the two go enjoy their New Year's Eve with their girlfriends. As soon as the performance is done, let them get dressed and let go find their girls. Maybe even let them know about our secret.

Hell Hound: Really?! Can we do that!?

ZZ Skull: That's a perfect plan!!

Manager Scarlet: Absolutely not!

Affogato: It's either let them see their lovers before tonight ends or hear this for months. The choice is yours.

*Scarlet groaned before looking over Hellhound and ZZ Skull. Both Cookies had cake hound eyes. She stared at them for three seconds before groaning again.*

Manager Scarlet: Fine!! But you can't tell them about being in B.A.D. 4. Not unless you want them to come too.

BRAVER TOGETHER: ENTER THE DANCEVERSES (2023) [The Wattpad Special Edition]Where stories live. Discover now