Chapter 6: The Big Sleepover

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Gajeel's POV
Once Fairy Girl and her friends left the guild hall, I noticed Salamander, Happy, Gray, Elfman, Jet, and Pantherlily coming up to me.

"Hey, metal brain!" Salamander called out to me.

"What do you want, Salamander?" I grumbled.

"Well, we were wondering if you wanted to come with us to spy on the girls at Y/n's place," Salamancer replied.

"Just so you know, Gajeel, I'm against this idea that Natsu has," Lily countered.

"Come on, Lily!" Salamander exclaimed. Then he turned to look at me. "I mean, we can all tell that you enjoy spending time with Y/n when she's at the guild hall."

"Natsu's right, man," Gray stated. "You're always staring at her when she's singing or just flying around the guild hall. Not to mention that I noticed that you were staring at her when she was in her Believix form."

"It even looks like you admire something about her," Elfman said.

"I mean, Natsu, Gray, and Elfman are right," Happy added.

"I can see that you really care about her," Jet continued. "It makes me happy to see that you really care about her. I just don't want to see her get hurt again."

"Sure," I grumbled, reluctantly giving into Salamander's stupid idea. Then I turned towards Jet. "But what do you mean by 'don't want to see her get hurt again'? What happened?"

"Well, when Y/n turned 17, her and Droy started dating," Jet explained. "But about two weeks before the Phantoms v.s Fairies war, Droy broke up with her to start chasing after Levy. He broke her heart and hurt her. It hurt me to see her break down after he broke up with her. I'm still mad about it."

"What do you mean that she 'broke down after he broke up with her'?" I questioned. "What did he do to her?"

"Well, like I said, he broke up with her," Jet responded. "But he did it in the worst way. Droy had me tell her that he didn't want to be with her anymore. And after I told Y/n what he had said, she broke down and just started crying."

"I'll admit, that was not very manly of Droy," Elfman stated. "I mean, having a friend tell your significant other that you didn't want to be together with them anymore is just down right disrespectful."

"That's it," I grumbled. "We're going to Fairy Girl's house. We need to make sure that she's not suffering."

"Alright!" Salamander exclaimed. "Let's go!"

"But we might want to wait until the girls are at her house before we leave," Jet suggested. "Otherwise we'll probably get scolded by Y/n for following her and the girls."

"Right," we all replied.

And so, we all wait for the girls to get to Fairy Girl's house to spy on her and the girls.

"Happy, Lily," I stated. "When we feel like we don't hear the girls' voices anymore, you two fly down to Fairy Girl's house and make sure that her and the girls at her house. Once you two know that they're not leaving, Lily will fly back here and let us know about what's going on. Once we know that we're in the clear, the rest of us will spy on them."

"Right," Lily and Happy replied.

Y/n's POV
Once we left the guild hall, we started to talk about different things on the way to my house.

"So, anyone know when the S-Class trials are?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, Y/n," Bisca replied. "All I know is that you should be able to actually participate in them this year."

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