1 - the beginning

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June 3rd. that was the date today, and that day is a special day. because, it's my birthday.

I woke up from my bed at 10 in the morning. I just sat there, not knowing what to do. both of my parents were at work, it was pretty empty in the house. I just got up and walked into the kitchen, hopefully finding something to eat. when I went into the kitchen, I found gifts wrapped with my name on it. there was also a note on it, so I read the note. "Y/N, we both are at work. so we can't celebrate your birthday today because we work all day today, so you can unwrap the presents we got you - signed, mom & dad". I just sighed and unwrapped my gifts that my parents got me. they were the things I wanted, but the feeling didn't have the same energy as it usually does for every birthday I've had for the last 18 years. I just grabbed the unwrapped gifts and put them in my room. after I did that, my phone began to ring in my pocket. I grabbed my phone and answered it. "happy birthday, Y/N!" my friends said to me. "thanks guys," I said back, cracking a slight smile on my face. "are you alright, Y/N? you seem a bit down today," one of my friends asked me. "yeah, I'm fine. It's just that my parents are gonna be at work all day and I won't be able to celebrate it with them," I respond sadly. "oh, that's too bad. but you can hang out with us if you want to," one of my other friends said. "sure, I'd like to. I mean, I need something to do anyways," I said. "great! we'll be over in 30 minutes," my friends said. "alright," I said as I hung up the phone. I then went back into my room and got dressed, afterwards I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I then went back into the living room and sat down on the couch, waiting for my friends. 30 minutes pass by, and I hear the honk of my friend's car horn outside. I look and see my friends in the car, waiting for me. I leave the house and walk over to my friend's car. I get inside the car and we all drive away.

"alright, we should go and get something to eat for lunch. so, where should we go for lunch? after all, it is your birthday, Y/N," one of my friends ask me. "we should go for wings. I mean, they do sound like a good birthday lunch to me," I respond. "I'm down to do that, how about you Lane?" my friend asks Lane. "yeah, sounds good to me. let's go there then," Lane answers. "alright then, let's go to where we usually go for wings," my friend says. I nodded my head and we started to drive to "BWW" (where we usually go for wings).  after a few minutes, we arrive at BWW. 

we all get out of the car and walk inside the building. we go inside and find a table to sit at. afterwards, a waitress walks over to our table, "hello, and welcome to BWW! what can I get for you guys?" the waitress asks us. "could we get 20 buffalo wings for all three of us please?" one of my friends asks the waitress. "sure thing! it'll be out in a bit. and what is your name so we can differentiate who's order is whose?" the waitress asks my friend. "oh, my name is Peter," Peter answered. "alright, it'll be out in 20 minutes," the waitress said. Peter nodded and the waitress left our table. 20 minutes later, the wings arrive and we start eating the wings. They were pretty good wings, to be honest. but, they are from BWW so they are meant to taste good. after we ate them, we paid for the food and left the building. we went back into the car and drove away from BWW. "alright. now, we are going to the thrift shop!" Peter said to me. "why are we going to the thrift shop?" I asked, confused. "because, we don't have much money. and we want to show you something that we might think you'll like there," Lane answered. "oh, okay," I said.

we arrived at the thrift shop and we all got out of the car. we went inside, "alright, now wait here while we go find it!" Peter said. I nodded and my friends left to go look for the thing. a few minutes later, they come back with a thing in their hands, presumably the thing they wanted to show me. "so, what do you think about it?" Peter asked me. "what is it?" I asked. "it's called a 'wall teleporter'!' Lane responded. "what is a 'wall teleporter'?" I asked, confused on what it is. "we actually don't know what it is. but, we thought it would be cool to give you for your birthday," Peter said. I grabbed it from Peter's hands and examined it. "what does it do?" I asked. "it probably teleports walls. like it says in it's name," Lane said. "I don't think it can do that. it has a ultra-power mode though," I say as I read through the instructions. "what else is there?" Lane asks. "I don't really know. the rest just shows symbols and that's it," I say. "well, let me see what it says!" Lane says as he puts his hands on the wall teleporter. "no, I'm looking at it!" I say as me and Lane fight over the thing. we start tugging at it until Lane accidentally presses the red button. after that, me, Land & Peter get teleported away.

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