Part 1-My life

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My life is a mess. Everything about it. My mother is dead and my father is a fucking alcoholic (let alone an abusive asshole). He killed my dear mother in cold blood. She was an innocent soul, the woman who gave birth to me, the woman who cared for me. And she is gone. She passed the day after my sister turned 1.

But she is in heaven now, looking over my younger sister Abigail and me. I would do anything for her and she is the reason I am still living. I am 19 and my younger sister is 7. My mother was raped by my fucking asshole of a father, that is why there is such a big age gap between me and my adorable sister.

It is currently 7am and I come downstairs to see my father passed out on the couch, as usual. I roll my eyes and start tidying up the kitchen since he and his friends left it in a mess last night. I begin to pick up the glass bottles that were on top the counter.

"Kiara my dear, is that you"

I turn around to face him. "Yes father, what do you want"

"Could you come over here my dear" he asks

I hesitate before putting the bottles down and making my way over to him. By now he is sat up watching my every move. I stand in front of him waiting for him to talk.

His drunk face immediately turns into a disgusted look after taking a look at me. He gets up and slaps my left cheek. I gasp and fall to the ground from the impact with tears threatening to fall from my eyes out of fear.

"You pathetic piece of shit. You don't deserve to live. You fucking brat, looking exactly like your mother. How dare you!" He spat on me and then walked out to probably have a smoke. Fucking dick.

I got up and tidied myself up so Abigail wouldn't see me like this. She knows about the abuse and I would take it all just so that he couldn't lay a single finger on her. Father threatened her that if she tells any of her teachers, he would kill me. That scared Abi so much that she was crying in her room for a whole week, whilst I comforted her.

Abigail soon came downstairs, ready in her school uniform. Her blonde hair was combed out and her blue eyes made her way over to the food I was making. She had her bag on her shoulder and put her lunch that I made for her in their.

"Good morning Ki!" She energetically said with a big smile on her face.

"Good morning Abi" I smiled as I placed her breakfast on the table.

As we both ate our breakfast, father came back inside. He reeked of alcohol and drugs and had a satisfied look on his face. His hazel eyes made their way over to us as he grinned at Abigail.

"goodmorning sweetheart" as he walked back to the dirty couch.

"Goodmorning dad" Abigail muttered

I gave dad some food without sparing a glance towards him and me and Abigail soon left.


"Yes abi?"

She hesitates before saying "can you promise me something please"

"Of course" I respond

"Can you never leave me. Never ever. Not with father, not with anyone". She says with tears in her eyes.

I stop walking and knelt down, telling her "Abi, I would never ever in the whole wide world leave your side. Your my baby sister and I love you so much. I promise one day we will have our own house and then we will live the most amazing life. But the time hasn't come yet and we need to be patient. And I promise you will always be my baby sister and you will always come first".

She smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the check as I returned the smile.We carried on walking to her school and said our goodbyes and then I walked to work. I worked in a cafe that was only 10 minutes away and paid enough.

I quickly walk through the energetic city and looked around at the immaculate view. The pavement wasn't very busy which I was grateful for. Some days it could be a nightmare trying to get past so many people.

I wanted to get to the cafe a little earlier today as it is cold. I was nearly at the cafe until someone very very tall bumped into me, making me stumble.

"Hey watch where you're going" They yelled


"RISE AND SHINE MOTHERFUCKER" Xavier says in an unnecessarily loud voice. He comes and opens the curtains allowing all the light to fill the dark room.

"Get the fuck out" I said in a raspy morning voice.

"No we have shit to deal with" he says

"It's fucking 6am and we always have shit to deal with"

He thinks about it and says "correct but you still gotta wake the fuck up"

He gets up and pulls the duvet completely of me and whistles. He walked out with a fat fucking smile on his face feeling pleased with himself. He shuts the door on his way out leaving me to get ready.

Xavier is my best friend for the past 15 years and they have been the worst years of my life. Joking.
From the minute we met each other, we instantly clicked and had that brotherly relationship. He is 20, being the same age as me, even though he acts like a 4 year old. I've never told him this but I am very grateful that his dumbass came into my life because I honestly don't know what I would do without him. And putting all that soppy shit aside, he is genuinely a good person at heart.

I get up in only my boxers and head into the bathroom for a quick shower, get dressed and head downstairs into the kitchen where I see Xavier stuffing his face with food. As I walk past him i slap the back of his head.

"What the fuck was that for!" He yells

"For waking me up this morning" I laugh as I sit down on of the stools by the island.
"So what business have we got to deal with today" I say as the maid hands me a plate of food and I thank her.

"Well first we have to go to the warehouse and just sort out some things, then we need to head to the club to sort out a few of our men" he says in between eating his food.

This was my life. Being the American mafia leader was a hell of a responsibility but it also kept me busy. Father passed it down to me on the 19th birthday, which meant that him and mother could go and explore the world with each other.

Me and my parents had a bond like no other and they taught me everything I know today to make me into who I am. They love each other more than life itself and I can only wish I find something that pure in someone else one day.

I have a younger brother called Tyson who is 17 and in his player phase. I've gotten used to it now and he has much more freedom since mum and dad aren't always home. He is also involved in the mafia and is in charge of drug trade, training, weapons, assassinations and other stuff. He didn't want to be my right hand man stating "why would I want to see this ugly fuckers face every
day for the rest of my life", so I asked Xavier and he responded with "I would love to see your beautiful face everyday for the rest of my life".

Once we finished our food, me made our way to one of the cars parked outside and began to drive to the warehouse. It was located in the city so it could be hid in plain site and no one would suspect a thing. The driver made a stop at the usual cafe we stop at every day. We always arrive 5 minutes before it opens with our coffee ready to go. As I was walk out with mine and Xavier's drinks, towards the car someone bumped into making me drop the coffee and yell

"Hey watch where you're going!"

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