Dear Fellow Traveler

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Ever since he was a sparkling, Blitzwing has always found the world of space, of planets and stars and galaxies covered in color populated by life beautiful. He thought the home he was living in was wonderful and that nothing could ever sour such sights to him. But one thing he could never understand as a sparkling, was how empty the vastness of space felt with no mechs by your side to explore it or talk about it with. Or how empty the entire world felt when you were alone, but it was something the jet was all too familiar with now.

As the decepticons had been chased off their home planet, the feeling of loneliness seemed to overtake them all, in the chaos and confusion, bots were separated. Shoved onto whatever colony or planet could take them while rations were scarce and their leaders tried their best to organize the mayhem: it was still largely unknown which bots had ended up where or whether or not there was any possibility of bumping into them again. One way or another, Blitzwing had lost the bots who he had once known and cared for; the only thing he had really hoped for was joining this little program that could help him socialize.
However, the environment of the ship Blitzwing and his team were on was hardly one of small talk and high spirits. The ride was bumpy and it wasn't like most bots were here by choice, they were on a mission to search for a planet with enough resources and friendly locals to sustain the decepticons who still needed homes. With such a context in mind, it was no wonder the bots were all either sullen or bitter with their situation, none of them resisting the silence in the ship. Trying to cut through the thick, tense, and sad air Blitzwing decided to turn to the bot sitting right next to him and asked. "So... what's your name, big guy?"
The mech, a purple and green bot, turned to him with a curious but friendly look. His two red optics lit up at the chance to break the silence. "My name is Lugnut, what is yours?"
With a click, Blitzwing's demeanor changed and the part of him named Icy responded "Depends on who you ask. But mostly we just go by Blitzwing." He replied, before looking to the bot on his other side, a pink seeker, as he sneered "They should call you heatwave. You're making this already hot ship even hotter, by the time we land you'll have melted us into scrap!"
Blitzwing heard the click of his face changing again and he huffed. "The planet we're investigating has temperatures even higher than this, you spoiled sparkling! If you can't handle it you best fly off now!" Hothead spat before whispering to Lugnut. "Who is that and what crawled up his tailpipe?"
The big bot tapped his chin with one of his digits as he thought to himself. "If my memory serves me right, that's Starscream, and I wouldn't be so hard on him, he's had it rough. I heard his father was a commander stripped of his title after going against Megazarak's orders." Lugnut whispered and while out of the corner of his optic Blitzwing saw a very disgruntled Starscream narrow his optics at them, this time the young seeker stayed silent.
With another click, Icy was back and he simply sighed. "It's been rough for all of us, hasn't it... But I suppose we are doing better than our deceased soldiers..." He whispered, shaking his helm and leaning back. He paused as he realized how tense he had just made the air and the way Lugnut shifted uncomfortably. "yes, I suppose we are..." The large bot replied.

Everyone had gone quiet again and Blitzwing mentally slapped himself, luckily for him the ship finally came to a stop and as the door opened the few other bots exited alongside Starscream. Blitzwing was about to join them when he paused and realized Lugnut was still sitting in the ship, his nervous gaze fixated on the planet's surface. It was covered in various orange and red-looking organic substances and due to being rather far from any nearby sun, it was very dark. A sickly green and purple mist also coated the planet, adding to an unnatural feeling the place had...
"Are you okay?" Random asked and Lugnut jumped quickly, getting to his feet and nodding. "Yes, I'm not a fan of how this planet looks... Or the dark..." He mumbled and Random smiled, suddenly taking Lugnut's servo in his own. "Well, then I can light the way for you! Heehee! Now come on, I wanna see if they have any cute little pets here!~" He purred, lighting a fire within his other servo and running out of the ship, with a barely able to keep up Lugnut following him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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