Chapter 6 : Death at the Theater

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Bryan POV:

It's too loud. So many people are here for Christmas. I knew Daddy, uncle Marcus, and uncle Vincent were famous, but this was crazy. For Christmas break, Mommy and I are with Dylan, Daddy, and Valerie. Which means I can be at the theater more. But, today was really busy, and I didn't wanna be with all the noise. So I went to the secret room Daddy made for Dylan and me when we wanted to play alone. I was holding Mari, my marionette doll. Since Daddy and Dylan made her for my birthday, I haven't had any panic attacks. I grabbed some paper and crayons and colored with Mari. Dylan wanted to watch the show Daddy and uncle Marcus was doing. I knew I would probably be alone until after the show, but I didn't mind. While I was drawing, I heard the door open behind me. I turned around and saw uncle Vincent. He wore a Santa sweater and hat. Since uncle Vincent just controlled the big puppet, he didn't need to wear anything special. "Hey bud, whatcha doing in here? You know your Dad doesn't want you in here alone, right?" I looked down, "Sowy Uncle Vincent. It was too loud, and I didn't like it, so I came here instead." I looked back up at Uncle Vincent, and he sighed, shaking his head. "Alright, I understand why you're here, but tell someone next time, alright." I looked back down, "Okay." "But, I got something that you may find fun." My eyes widened from excitement as I began jumping up and down, "What is it? What is it?" Uncle Vincent laughed, "Calm down. Uncle Marcus is doing hide-and-seek with the other kids, so if you'd like?" I picked Mari up from the floor and ran out the door; I loved Uncle Marcus's hide-and-seek. I reached the stage where Uncle Marcus and Daddy perform. I saw Uncle Marcus inside the Rat suit, talking with everyone. Although his voice sounded like he was just waking up or something, I ignored it. (Maybe he just had a hard time sleeping, it is Christmas. He probably can't sleep because he's waiting for Santa.) I looked at Uncle Marcus and listened as he explained the rules, "Allright kids. Rememmber, if I say that you win and timesss up, you can stop hiding. Nnow, I'm gonna starrrt counting. That mmmeannns go hide." Everyone was excited as we all ran around, looking for somewhere to hide. I knew the best spot since I was allowed in those rooms. I found the parts and service room and looked around. Vinnie was on the table getting a new arm since someone decided to be a mean jerk and rip it off. I looked at the closet in front of me, (That's perfect!) I stepped inside and shut the door. I then cracked the door open so I could see through a small hole, but no one from the outside would realize I was there. I got comfortable and silently whispered to myself, "No one's gonna find me here." Just as I said that the door opened. Uncle Marcus walked in and I held my breath as he spoke, "I know sssomeone, c-came in here to hide. Kid, come ron out." I didn't move, he sounded worse than before, (What's going on with him? Is Uncle Marcus okay?) Uncle Marcus approached the closet and I curled up into a ball while squeezing Mari, he looked really scary. His hand reached the handle and it was then I noticed a horrible smell. It smelled like that drink Daddy has in the glass bottles once every couple of weeks. Just then, Uncle Vincent walked in and shut the door, "Marcus, what are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be looking for the kids? Also, what is that smell?" Uncle Marcus turned around to look at Uncle Vincent, "I thhhhought I ssaw a kid comme in here." Uncle Vincent's eyes widened as he started to look worried, "Marcus, are you drunk? Cause if you are, why didn't you call in sick?" Uncle Marcus shrugged, "I'm ffine, doon't worrrrry. Besides ssssince therrre's no onnne in hereee, I might as well go ffinddd the other kidssss." Uncle Vincent stayed where he stood, "Marcus, you aren't in any condition to play with the children. Take off the costume and I'll tell Matthew you need to leave early. Okay?" "But it's Chrrrissmas." "No." Uncle Marcus's right hand formed into a fist, I hugged Mari tighter as I watched. Uncle Marcus punched Uncle Vincent and held him by the neck against a wall, "M-Marcus.... I.... can't..... breathe." I couldn't move, I was scared, I just shut my eyes, and hoped it was a dream. Just then, I heard a crash. I looked out my small hole to see Uncle Marcus lying on the ground while Uncle Vincent was staring at him. "Marc? Oh god, what have I done." I had an idea of what this was. I learned about it when Grandma went away, Mommy said she died. (Did Uncle Vincent just kill Uncle Marcus? Stay calm, keep squeezing Mari, I don't wanna have a panic attack.) I took small and quiet breaths as I watched Uncle Vincent panic. The parts and service room door then opened, Daddy came in, and the door shut again. He was wearing the Cat costume and seemed confused, "Vincent what happened, why's Marcus on the ground." Uncle Vincent studdered in shock, "I-I didn't mean to, he was drunk, then he attacked me. I just pushed him off but I didn't mean to kill him. I just," Daddy put his hand on Uncle Vincent's shoulder and spoke in a surprisingly calm and quiet voice, "It's alright, let's just get the authorities, and then we'll take it from there." Uncle Vincent was shaking, "But what if I end up being arrested or worse?" Daddy walked towards the table next to the closet so I couldn't see him. There's a phone on the table so he was probably grabbing it, "They'll understand once we tell them what happened, it's gonna be alright." Vincent looked nervous until his expression changed to what looked like anger. Vincent walked towards where Daddy was and I couldn't see either of them, "Vincent.... W-what... are....... you?" Daddy fell over and through the crack, I saw him lying on the floor. "I'm sorry Matthew, I'm so sorry." I heard the sound of the phone being dialed and I squeezed my eyes shut to stop the tears and held Mari close to my chest. (This isn't real, right? It's not real, it's not real. This is just a dream, it's just a dream, r-right?) I began to hear ringing and I opened my eyes to see Vincent leave the room. My breathing started to get faster, I couldn't calm down, and Mari couldn't help. I dropped her and covered my ears. Tears fell down my face and I couldn't calm down as I began shaking, (I need help, who can help? What do I do? I can't, I can't.) I could feel my breathing slow as I fought to stay awake. I continued shaking until everything went black, and all I could hear was the sound of sirens blaring.  

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