You Win Again

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Alison had sat in her room all night thinking of ways to fix what had happened but she couldn't. How could she possibly fix this?
1) Rewind time and be more careful so her father didn't find the pictures. 2) Don't have feelings for Liam Gallagher.
Neither of those things were possible so she was trapped in the sane sorry situation. She'd ran to her development room as soon as her father had driven her home in her own car in silence. She'd carefully removed all of the pictures of Liam and her camera to a safe place so he couldn't destroy them which she knew he was capable of. She gently traced her fingers over Liam's face. That was her favourite of the set. He had a shy smile on his lips and was looking away from her. That single dimple in his cheek always made her smile. Oh Liam, what a mess. She had no idea how or when she'd see him again.

She boxed everything up and took it up to her room. No one called her for dinner. Her mum hadn't even acknowledged her. It was a pointless punishment. They ignored her anyway. Business as uaual. Alison glanced at her watch 3am. Sleep wouldn't come. She was exhausted. Emotionally and physically but her brain was in overdrive. She opened the letters she'd been ignoring for weeks on her desk.

"We are delighted to inform you of your place at Oxford for MsC Financial Economics..."

Alison felt nothing. It was a prestigious offer. A real achievement. She should feel proud but she felt nothing. She'd applied to appease her father. He wanted her to take over the financial business empire he was currently at the helm of some day. And she couldn't be less interested. She looked upwards at her ceiling exhaling slowly. Send me a sign. Tell me what to do.

A small tinkling sound came from her window. She gasped. God? The tinkle came again. Her heart pounded as she approached her window and drew the blind up. Her heart soared in her chest Liam. Then her heart sank into a pit of fear. He was going to get hurt. How could he be so stupid coming here? So reckless. Alison grinned and shook her head at him. Because he was Liam Gallagher and he was fearless to a fault. At least that's the way he wanted to seem. Alison crept downstairs and she opened the door urging Liam in. She hurried him up the stairs as they tried to match their footfalls to make one set. She locked her bedroom door and before either of them could even speak Liam's arms wrapped around her shoulders so tightly she wanted to melt into his arms. He held her to him breathing her in and rubbing her back soothingly. She gripped onto his coat that was soaked through with melting snowflakes.

"Are you alright?" He whispered.

Alison nodded.

"Now you're here. God Liam this is stupid. It's dangerous. You'll get hurt-"

Liam pulled back and held her face in his hands gently. They were red raw from the cold.

"He won't lay a finger on me. I won't let him. He hasn't...hurt you?" He asked searching her face.

Alison shook her head firmly. After everything he'd been through she knew Liam was asking if her father had hit her.

"Liam he found the pictures I took of you and I just didn't want to lie - and I'm so sorry. This is all my fault and-"

"Ay what you apologising for? You didn't do nowt. This would have happened either way. They were never gonna accept me and invite me round for tea."

Alison could feel the tears welling up in her eyes again.

"What do we do Liam?"

Liam smiled sadly.

"We'll sort it out. I need to see you there's no way I'm stopping seeing you."

Alison blushed from the earnestness of his admission.

She took Liam's hands in hers and blew on them rubbing them between hers.

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