Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II and Lady Caroline Matilda Carey

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Lord Kevin Thomas Riley is Lord Anthony Christopher Howard's best friend and they grew up together where Lord Kevin would come and play with Lord Anthony at Beltane Manor and Lord Anthony would go visit and play with Lord Kevin out at Collinswood Manor.

The two young men grow up and they are sent to separate schools and eventually at the age of 13 years old, Lord Anthony Christopher is sent to Lancaster where he is Duke of Lancaster Territory in the name of his great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Edmund Beaufort who was the First Duke of Lancaster Territory but his great-great-granduncle, Lord Thomas Beaufort great-great-grandson left no children and so when Lord Anthony Christopher Howard is born it is claimed by Lord Andrew Charles Howard who is Lord Edmund's youngest great-great-grandson as his two older brothers have no sons, and it reverts back to Lord Anthony's great-great-grandmother', second son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior and his son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles who is the father of Lord Anthony Christopher Howard and he is created the 5th Duke of Lancaster Territory in the name of his maternal great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Edmund Beaufort, The First Duke of Lancaster Territory who arrives with his paternal great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard in 2159.

Lord Anthony is sent to Lancaster Territory where he will live with a regent, a cook, a butler, a governess, two maids and his pet dog and he heads off  for Lancaster Territory  to take up his responsibilities as Duke of Lancaster Territory.

It leaves Lord Kevin Thomas Riley all alone and he only has one sister, Lady Karen Elizabeth Riley and he has his loving parents, Lt Commander Kevin Thomas Riley and Lady Isabella Riley nee Collins and two doting grandparents, Lord Jeremiah and Lady Elizabeth along with a doting Aunt, Lady Josette and two first cousins, Lord Edward and Lady Marjory Ann Seymour.

Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II wants more  and he decides to set off Norfolk Town and he takes the carriage and he sets off for town and when he arrives he parks his carriage and starts to walk around and he starts to window shop but he never buys.

While he is window shopping, he notices a very beautiful dark hair young woman and she catches his attention and he can't stop looking at her and he wonders who she is.

Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II walks up to the young woman and he bows and he introduces himself " Good day My Lady. I am Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II."  Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II tells her.

Lady Caroline Matilda Carey turns around and she looks at him and she answers him " You don't remember me Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II." Lady Caroline Matilda asks him.

"No. Should I Mademosille Caroline?" Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II asks.

"My older brother was once your best friend . You use to come out to play with us at Beltane Manor." Lady Caroline Matilda tells him.

Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II takes a good look at Lady Caroline Matilda and asks " It can't be the same little girl that Lord Anthony was so protective of and Lady Elizabeth was too." Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II asks.

"I was only a child then, and now I am 16 years old and last year I had my cotillion where my father and mother introduced me to polite society and to introduce me to possible suitors  but there were no suitable suitors for me." Lady Caroline Matilda tells Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II.

"How is your mother and father, Lady Caroline Matilda?" Lord Kevin Thomas II asks.

My mother is still Marchioness of Pembroke Territory and my father is still Duke of Bedford Territory but my mother and my second cousin once removed, Lord Andrew Charles divorced and my father and mother are planning to marry each other." Lady Caroline Matilda explains.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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