Evocating Lurien

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Hornet began to cry, Stex was just hugging Hornet, Hollow was doing the same "w...... Why....? Hornet mumbled, " we gotta keep going.... " She mumbled, Hollow nodded, Stex suddenly realized that Hornet wasn't moving or something "oh dear.... Hornet...we gotta keep going" Stex said "...." "Hornet......didn't you heard me, I know what happened to that person but you gotta keep going" "ok.... " Hornet just turned around to see intensely Herrah's dead body "oh..,. Do you want to take her to "Resting Grounds? "" Hornet sniffed, but she nodded,"oh yeah, this is yours" Stex gave Hornet her needle, Hornet looked at it, and simply placed it on her back,Stex and Hollow helped Hornet to carry her mom to "Beast's den, and then to the stag station, they used it for travelling to "Resting grounds", Stex guided Hornet and Hollow to where to put Herrah, they entered into " spirit's glade" and then they saw and unused grave, they placed Herrah there "so.... We gotta go to " city of tears "" "why.... Weren't we there just 4 hours ago?" "Yes, but Hollow wants to do something important"

"But...why.... " "SHUT! " "miss.... But why you wanna capture her...?" "MISS? DID YOU JUST CALLED ME MISS? " "I'm.... sorry your majesty... " "you know what, you'll have a punishment" "wait..... Wha- WAIT, MISS, IS THAT A BLADE? OH HECK,I'M SORRY, GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"

Hornet heard some voices on her head, she didn't knew why, Stex suddenly seemed like if she were chuckling "HEY GUYS, CHECK OUT THIS" Stex said chuckling, she had somehow a strange book "yeah...?" "I FOUND SOMETHING WEIRD-" "wha-" "PHARLOON, DOES THAT EVEN EXISTS? AND YOU NEED TO GET KIDNAPPED BY SOME BUGS TO ENTER? " Stex said laughing, Hollow and Hornet stared each other, both of them having a lot of confusion, Stex stopped laughing "well, we gotta go-" Stex and the other 2 walked to a elevator, they turned it on, and they entered to "King's station", they fought a few enemies, and they entered in a place, the just kept walking "so... Hollow, what do you exactly want to do?" Hollow started signing something "they say... That.... Destroy Lurien's seal-" "Wha- oh right, I'm sure you wanna end this torture by the sunmoth" "is the radiance-" "However-", they kept walking , they saw some dead corpses of sum bugs, they didn't care, what a mistake, suddenly, a cell door blocked them " What the-" a strange orange liquid dripped down from the top, and the dead bugs started reviving "OH FU-" "We gotta kill them! Or else we will not be out from this" , and a battle started

A few minutes later

All the bugs were defeated, Hornet was the one who most got tired, because Hollow and Stex were the one who attacked less, Stex helped Hornet all the way, Hollow was just walking, they reached an elevator, and there it was.... "Lurien the watcher" also there was an infected bug, seemed to run away from the trio, instead of attacking them, Hollow used their dreamnail to enter inside Lurien,and obviously they dissapeard, Stex and Hornet just waited "Do you feel better? " "n.... No... " "we are sorry if you were the one who attacked the most, we did almost nothing... " "It doesn't.... Matters" Hornet mumbled, suddenly, Lurien made dust, and Hollow appeared from nowhere, Stex made a weird loud short scream, she started laughing, Hornet facepalmed "well, now what" "next destination, the black egg temple" "huh...?" "Yes, if Hollow wanted to destroy the 2 seals, then they wanted to open the black egg temple" "makes sense, but why! "To destroy the infection,WELP, NEXT DESTINATION-" "you already said it, also, what infection" "you'll see it when we arrive"

Hahahaha....... Those voices, you heard the person who tried to kill you but then she became your friend...

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