Part 1

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AN: I've been rewatching season 1 of The Bad Batch to prep for season 2. I got to the part where Omega tells the boys she's older them and I was like huh, I wonder if anyone has done one of the modern AUs where the boys adopt Omega but the reverse?  After no research I decided to go for it, and then I was too excited to wait for my brother to look it over so I'm sorry if there's mistakes. I hope you like it. 

Omega had been nothing short of confused when Cody called her after dinner. Now standing outside the police precinct's conference room, the confusion had only grown.

She'd made her older brother Echo come with her to the precinct and he'd sat beside her while Cody and Fox told them the entire story. A noise complaint had been called in against Omega's mother and four little boys had been found.

The second of the four boys had been badly burned. The source of his burns had yet to be officially determined, but everyone involved shared the conclusion that Nala Se was to blame. The boy's screams alerted the neighbors that something was wrong, leading to the noise complaint. When Cody went into the house he was sickened to find that Nala Se had had four more children after what she'd put Omega through.

The burned boy, the others called him Wrecker, had been taken to the hospital right from the scene. He would need a split thickness skin graft to transplant healthy skin to the burns on the left side of his face. The chemical believed to have burned him had also injured his eye. His doctors were sure he had lost his sight in that eye for good, but had yet to decide if it would need to be removed.

Echo and Omega had consulted together and they decided he would get a ride to sit with Wrecker at the hospital while she filled out paperwork to get emergency custody of her little brothers.

Little brothers. Wasn't that a thought?

Omega looked in on the three boys in the conference room from her seat at Cody's desk. The four year old, Tech, was sitting on the floor, eating goldfish and watching cartoons on an iPad that someone had given them. Behind him Hunter was sitting in one of the chairs with his littlest brother, Crosshair, in his lap.

Hunter was watching her right back. He wondered what she was looking at. Was she looking at the thin scars on the baby's face near his right eye that had earned him his nickname? Was she watching how Tech rocked side to side as he watched the cartoon animals save the coral reef? Maybe she was staring at him, he had a handful of vitiligo spots, but the largest was on the left side of his face for everyone to see. All of those options made his skin crawl. He rolled his chair closer to Tech and turned it away from the door so he could get Crosshair out of everyone's line of sight.

"Everything is filed," Cody told Omega, coming to lean on the edge of his desk, "You can take them home as soon as Dogma gets the car seats installed in your car."

"Has anyone told them I'm taking them back to the house?"

"They know we were calling a family member and they would be set up somewhere for the night."

She nodded slowly, "I should talk to them, at least introduce myself."

"You should talk to Hunter first, he's really protective over the younger ones," he explained. When Omega agreed he called Hunter over.

Hunter sat Crosshair on the floor next to Tech. The toddler looked betrayed, but was easily distracted with a handful of goldfish. Hunter came and stood stiffly in the doorway where he wouldn't lose sight of the younger two.

"Hi," Omega said, kneeling to meet his gaze, "I'm Omega, I'm your big sister. Apparently."

Hunter nodded, not saying a word.

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