Part 3

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AN: Thank you @eclipsed_aurelia and @Krispycentral for reading this so I could post! 

Omega watched Hunter hovering near the edge of the kitchen counter. She assumed he wanted Echo's attention, but he had an AirPod in the ear facing their brother and she doubted he even knew the kid was there.

"You alright Hunter?" She asked. Echo finally looked up from trying to fix the blender, noticing his little shadow.

"Um," Hunter looked between the two, before looking down at his socked feet, "I need someone to sign this," he told them, holding up a sheet of paper.

Omega waved him over, pushing aside her homework. Hunter handed her the paper and she skimmed it over, reading off the important bits to Echo, "Hunter's class is going to the science museum in two weeks. He's going to need a packed lunch and he can't have any glass bottles, or open toed shoes."

"Do they even sell glass bottles any more?" Echo asked no one in particular, going to write the trip on the calendar hanging from the fridge.

"You're going to have so much fun!" Omega gushed to Hunter as she signed her name, and filled out the emergency contact information. She flipped the page and saw the form for parents to sign up as chaperones. Her smile grew, but dropped just as quickly, "Do you want me to come? Or is that embarrassing?"

Hunter felt his brain sputter, Omega actually was asking to come with him? "You don't have to," he mumbled, "It's a Friday, and you have class."

"I can definitely play hooky if you want me to. But I also get it if having your sister there would ruin your street cred."

Echo snorted a laugh, "Saying 'street cred' probably ruins it."

"Excuse me, I'm having a conversation with one of my cool brothers." She shot back, before turning back to Hunter quickly enough that she missed Echo sticking his tongue out at her.

He shrugged, "Yeah, if you want to you can."

"Wizard." She filled out the second form before handing the paper back to him, "This will be so fun!"

Hunter nodded, before taking the paper back to the loft so he could put it in his backpack. He wasn't sure if Omega coming made him more or less nervous, but it seemed like she was excited, that was good at least. He tried not to think about it as Wrecker called him over to look at something cute Trooper was doing.

. . .

Hunter watched the other kids all make their groups and run off with their chaperones following. He and Omega were the last ones standing in the museum's entrance. He wasn't surprised, the other kids didn't spend very much time with him. They weren't mean to him, but it was fifth grade and everyone had known each other since kindergarten so they had their cliques made by now.

He was pretty sure Jek's dad had told him to be nice since they were related. Jek didn't act like it was some kind of inconvenience though, so Hunter accepted the pity; at the very least Jek could tell his dad he did what he was told. It didn't matter now though, Jek had an ear infection and wasn't able to come on the trip.

Omega watched Hunter watching the other kids. Her chest felt tight, he was so lonely.

She remembered that.

She nudged his shoulder, and passed him a brochure with the museum's exhibits. "Where should we start?"

Hunter looked at the pamphlet, eyes flipping between the pictures. "Can we go see the bees?"

She nodded, and started walking towards the steps, "Did you see they have other animals too?"

Hunter looked through the pictures again, his face scrunching up at one of them. He pointed to the picture of some strange looking rat, "What is this?"

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