Chapter 2

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   This falling business was taking an absurdly long time. Even though you've been going down for a solid ten minutes, the hole doesn't seem that far away. In fact, you don't even feel like you're moving very fast. Which isn't so bad, this tumbling limbo. Definitely better than certain death. But it was honestly kind of boring. The dark walls covered in vines in varying states of dying, The occasional large rock. Falling into a giant pit was an interesting way to die, but actually being the one doing it was a bit of a letdown. So no one could blame you for your humiliating shriek of terror as the speed suddenly picked up as if was always there. In other words, instantly. You fell like a fleshy brick towards the ground under you, until you finally met, blacking out on impact.

   When you came to, it was not pleasant. There was a soreness in your body, as if it was embedded into your very bones. Parts of you you were never truly aware of now made their existence very clear as waves of pain flooded you. Standing up was not an option. So you lay there, scared to even move your head. From what you could see, there were some kind of flowers around you, maybe even under you. But their condition was even worse than yours, no doubt from somehow cushioning a full grown man that fell at least several thousand feet. You let out a pained groan, and the noise echoed around you. Why were there even flowers down here, where there was no sunshine, no water, and probably barely any nutrients? It was beyond your addled mind.

  Your attention was drawn from your own suffering, though, when you heard what you thought to be footsteps. Was there someone else down here? How? And why? You couldn't imagine that living down here was very nice, or very easy. But clearly there was someone, and they were getting closer, you mustered enough energy to call out to them. The steps became faster, and louder. Although you quickly regretted this once you caught sight of whomever it was.

  "Oh goodness, another one?", rumbled a deep voice, as you had passed out again.

   When you regained consciousness this time, you were feeling much better, and were somewhere new. Somewhere... cozy, and warm. Flailing a bit, it didn't take long to see you were tucked into a rather small bed, like it was meant for a child. While cute, it wasn't the most comfortable fit. In your eagerness to free yourself, you fell off with a loud thump. A rush of steps came through, and the creature from before flung the door open.

   "Are you alright, little one? That sounded painful, and you are already unwell." Above you loomed a large, humanoid goat man. Seeing him again wasn't any less jarring from the first time, but you managed to keep your wits about you. His fur was matted and just the faintest tinge of grey, with long black locks of hair a scruffy beard, and he was robed in a black tunic. His eyes carried a strained worry in them, but even then you had a hard time believing he cared about your well-being. He was downright terrifying.

  "So, I'm in Hell. I thought I was a decent person, but I guess not. I should start... pleading for mercy or something, shouldn't I?" You gathered up the blankets around you and tossed them back on the bed. "This is a real thing to do for the damned. Unless it's supposed to make me feel safe before my eternal damnation. If that's the case, good job." The goat man hadn't said anything, too perplexed by your response. You were starting to think maybe things weren't as they seem. "You are the Devil, right? I mean, big, scary, goat... thing. That fits the bill."

   "My apologies, little one, but there seems to be some sort of misunderstanding. My appearance, while devilish... I am no demon. My name is Asgore, and I am... the caretaker of the Ruins. It appears that you have fallen down here, little one." Asgore's gentle, deep voice soothed your nerves. Something about him was very fatherly, reminding you of yours when he was younger. The thought of your dad, whom you were probably never going to see again, caused you to start tearing up, although you stubbornly refused to let any fall. This didn't keep the creature in front of you from noticing, as he hovered closer.

   "It's fine, I'm fine. Just thought of something. So, caretaker, huh? Sounds hard for one guy. How do you manage it?" Your poor attempt at changing the subject didn't go unnoticed, but he was gracious enough to let it be.

   "In all truth, I have not managed much. I only recently took on the role, at the urging of another human, one much younger than you. They changed me, and have left this old monster filled with hope." His face turned softer, so this kid must've been something special. It took you a minute to realize the glaring issue.

   "So you're saying there's a kid in here? With you? In here?" The silence hung heavily in the air. "Okay, where did they go?" Still no answer. "Are they even still alive?" Asgore's hand covered his snout, and his eyes looked worried again.

   "I have been careless. Something about this child, it made me sure that all would be well." He rushed out of the room and into a hallway, and you followed right behind him. "I had not heard anything, but I had assumed that to mean all was well. Oh goodness, what have I done?" He ran into a small kitchenette all the way at the other end of the home, which gave you a chance to look around. While everything looked run down and beaten up, there was a small air of coziness. A small blaze in the fireplace, the much-loving reading chair.

   While you were examining the room, Asgore exited the kitchen and approached you with something in his hands. "I am sorry to ask this of you so soon after you've arrived, but would you please go and find my child. I cannot leave this place, or I would do this myself. Please, if you do this I will be forever indebted to you." He offered the item in his hand, which appeared to be some kind of... less than savory meat pie. At least he tried, right? You took the lovely meal as he thanked you profusely.

   "Come now, we must further prepare you for this journey." He grabbed your free hand and lightly pulled you along, back down the hallway and into a new room, one you could only assume was his. Dumbfounded by the size of everything, Asgore flitted around you, gathering various knickknacks. Before long, there was a small pile of things arranged on the bed. The first of these was an absolute brick of a phone. It was bigger than old cellphone back topside. "When you find my child, please let me know immediately. I have already put my number into your contacts." He helped you pack up, some chosen items being discarded for the sake of space. 

   With all your meager preparations made, he waved for you to follow him again. This time you turned in the middle of the hallways, heading down a flight of stairs you managed to miss both times you passed it earlier. As you descended, the air felt colder, and maybe filled with a teensy bit of dread. You hadn't been here for long, but you already didn't want to leave. Maybe after finding this kid, you could come back and live here. Before long, you arrived at a large set of doors.

    "These doors lead to the rest of the Underground. There are other monsters out there, all less welcoming than myself. Please be careful out there, little one. I do not wish harm to fall upon you." Asgore wrapped you in a tight hug, one that you gladly returned. A wave of finality rushed over you as he opened the door, a snow covered landscape looming at you outside. Ignoring the peaking horror of what you could face, you took a step outside. Then another. And another. Into the seemingly endless tundra.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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