Chapter 10: Pretend

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I'll Love You Forever: Chapter 10 — Pretend

His desolate smile lingers.

Her demeanor grows irresolute, uncertain whether or not those words truly came from out of his mouth. Her body visibly declines lower, unsure of what to respond with in the situation.

She would have remained tense, her mind at unease if her friend from right beside her didn't call him out for his words.
"Midoriya... wh-what did you just say to her?"

The boy cheerlessly gives the two a response.
"You heard what I said."

Snapping out of her diffidence, she finally speaks up.
"...D-Dating; that's what you said, right? Um, I'm... I'm not quite sure what you... exactly mean by that.

...Oh, do you mean, like... friendly dating — as in you want to spend more time with each other? If that's the case, then I'd love to!— But... I still have a lot of errands to run on account of school, a-and... y-yeah-

But I'd still really like to spend time with you! I'm sure I can... free up my schedule a little bit, and... I don't think anything eventful is going to happen in the near future anyways, so— um... — yeah, we ca-we can... hang out-"

He chuckles... as if what she just said was a joke.
"No, silly. I meant dating as in *dating* — furthering our relationship; dating as in... what two people who like each other do...

You DO like me, don't you?"

She hesitates to respond. It's clear that what he was saying was making her visibly uncomfortable. Her thoughts were conflicting one another:

She's explicitly said herself that she looked up to him as a leader, and that she greatly respects his strength; moreover, she knows that he's a great friend. It's evident that she enjoys spending time with him, and that their relationship had grown beyond being a school-based one.

Knowing this, she answers, conflicted.
"O-Of course I like you, Izuku, but... not in the way you're trying to imply...!"

His dispirited smile persists.
"Ahaha... somehow, I don't think that's true."

Watching the tense situation unfold, and seeing her overwrought friend leads their other classmate to try and alleviate the situation.
"Haha...ha... M-Midoriya, I didn't know you had quite the saccharine tongue! I didn't take you as the flirtatious type, but I guess that we all don't really know what you've been up to since you've been gone — ehehe... r-right?"

He releases a deep breath.

His short, rigid response causes her to stutter.
"But, um, on a serious note — you remember how Momo said that... she's going to wait a while before she starts dating again, right? Considering what happened, um, last time... so, ah-!

The girl tries to break her off.
"M-Mina, that's enough— thank you— you don't have to-"

But she continues.
"And, uh, besides!— You have a lovely wife over there already! Honestly, could you imagine what she'd do to you if she heard what you're saying right now? Hahahaha...!"

Her laughter felt forced.
"...U-Um, anyways — let's all just drop it, okay? I know you're just trying to joke around, but... it isn't really funny. I'm not trying to make you feel bad or anything!— I just... don't want our reunion to be awkward right now-"

"Shut your fucking mouth."
And so it begins.

Mina pauses for a moment before her eyes widen.
"Excuse me...?!"

Feeling provoked, she tries to approach him, but Momo puts an arm in front of her, stopping her movement.

Momo speaks up, alarmed.
"Izuku, what was that for?! You didn't need to say that!"

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