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You sighed, walking through the front door. Honestly, you hated your job. The long hours for a paycheck that was taken mostly by the government. 

Placing your keys on the hook and your coat, you left your bag on the counter as you stretched, cracking your back in the process.

You needed to start on Christmas dinner before your dad got home or Charlie got here. You loved your dad to death, but eating his cooking? You'd rather jump into a shark infested pool.

You sighed, pulling out the hidden turkey from the pantry. You had prepared it the night before and it had been marinating in the pantry. You got lucky that they'd give you a lid for the bucket.

Placing it in the tray, you noticed some white foam on the oven... oh no...

The house phone rang and you ran to pick it up, "dad?"

"Oh good! You're home early!" Your dad sounded happy over the phone.

"We were actually just on our way to a restaurant. If you want to come, I can turn around and pick you up?" You weren't supposed to be home until 10, but your supervisor got sick on duty and everyone was forced to go home.

You finished cleaning the oven as you thought for a moment, "if it wouldn't be too big of a deal, yeah, please do."

Your dad laughed, "alright, buttercup, I'm turning around. I'll see you in 20."

He hung up the phone as you finished getting everything ready. You had made the mashed potatoes the night before and popped them into the microwave to warm up as you started slicing the fruits for the fruit salad. 

You pulled out the dough you made early this morning. Yes, you were tired, but it would be worth it. You pulled out two trays and started to separate the bread dough into tiny little round balls to bake into rolls.

You placed the rolls in the oven and continued to work over the oven. You were grateful for the existence of aprons, with the amount of food on you, you look like you belong on the cafeteria floor. 

You were grateful Principal Newman advised you to take Home Economics last semester. The bread was done so you placed the turkey in as the front door unlocked.

"Y/n? Oh, what's that smell?" Your dad's voice rang through the hallway as Charlie's little feet ran to the kitchen, "Wow! Look dad! N/n fixed your bad dinner!"

You chuckled, "Hey Char, why don't you help me fix the table while dad get's ready for dinner? We can even make cookies for Santa!"

"I'm not a baby, Santa's not real!" You stopped, looking at your brother.

"Charlie, who told you that?" He huffed as your dad's face changed to annoyed.

"Neil, he knows a lot, he's a psychologist." Charlie answered.

You rolled your eyes, "and a liar too, apparently... did you know that I saw Santa once! I did, he was nice and chubby. I remember because I was around your age."

He looked at you, "really? But Neil said 'if he's real, why are there so many in the malls?'"

You looked at him, "They all report to Santa, so he knows what they want.

"Oh." He thought for a moment.

"Is that all of your questions?" Charlie nodded, getting his baby apron.

"If you want to beat logic, you need to be overly logical." You smiled at your dad who was dumbfounded.


According to Charlie, dinner was delicious. Scott was a little embarrassed, but overall enjoyed the meal. He'd rather have cookies and cocoa at home then a meal at an overcrowded diner, probably Denny's.

It was bed time and Scott chose the book to read, "What's that?"

Scott looked at Charlie from the door, "What's what?"

Charlie looked at his dad in confusion, "A Rose Succhak Ladder?"

Scott looked at his son, "It's not a ladder- I said 'arose such a clatter'. It means, uh, came a big noise."

"What?" Charlie looked at his dad in confusion as he flipped the lights on.

"Charlie, 'arose' is a word that means 'it came' and 'clatter' means 'a big noise'." Scott sat down again.

"How do the reindeer's fly if they don't have any wings?" Scott sighed as he picked up and eraser and threw it at your door.

A few seconds later you opened your door, accidentally stepping on the eraser and picking it up, "What?"

"How do reindeers fly?" Scott asked you.

"Easy, Elf magic. If you want to get technical, when kids are filled with Christmas Cheer, it fuels Santa's magic and the North Pole. Think of fairy dust, but for elves." You sighed, sitting at the edge of Charlie's bed.

"Well, Santa's so fat, how does he fit into the fireplace?" Charlie asked you as you made yourself comfortable.

"Well, the magic allows certain things to happen, like for him to shrink. I dunno if he could feel it, but I imagine he's like Jello." You made a slurping noise as you tickled his sides.

"And people without Chimney's?" You thought for a moment.

"Well... he probably still goes into Jello-form, but I think a chimney appears with elf magic still. Like it expands out of no where." You reasoned with him as he nodded.

"But how can you believe in Santa without any proof?" Charlie asked.

"Well, sometimes you don't need proof to believe." you looked at him, "Sometimes you just know it's out there."

He nodded, "Do you both believe in Santa?"

Your dad nodded, "Of course I do, Sport."

You smiled at Charlie, "and I do too, now we need to sleep now before Santa comes!"

You tucked him in as your dad shut the light off, "Goodnight Charlie." You kissed his forehead.


You walked around the snowy town you waved to the workers that walked by. Hands wrapped around your waist as you snuggled into his chest.

You could smell the chocolate, peppermint, and shea butter, and for some reason it comforted you. He buried his head in your shoulder as you laughed.

"I know it's hard right now, but soon it won't be as busy and we'll be able to spend time together." You giggled as you felt small kisses on your neck.

You turned around holding his face, brown eyes observing every part of your face, "freckles..." he whispered, almost as if he was making a mental note.

"Yeah? Gosh, you're so silly..." You leaned into his forehead, holding him close to you as he grabbed your waist.

"Ah, peppermint sticks..." He sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist.

Your eyes were closed, but you knew his eyes were closed too, "What's wrong?"

He just sighed, and spoke softly, "I wish you were real."

Your eyes widened as you stepped back, pushing him away from you. Besides his curly locks and weird Christmas sweater, pink pointy ears caught your attention.


You woke up with a start, seeing Charlie shake you awake, "What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?"

Charlie shook his head, "No! I heard someone on the roof!"

Almost as if on cue, loud stomping came from above as you wrapped your robe around your night gown and slipped on your slippers to go wake up your dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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