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I screamed so loud if any windows were around, they would've shattered. After I wasted my breath screaming, I shoved him off.
He toppled onto the ground, caught off guard. Then he got up and started walking around me.
I clutched my shoulder. I needed to stop the bleeding. Looking around, I realized my shirt was ripped. I shakily grabbed the end of jt and ripped a large strip and wrapped it around my arm.
As soon as the fabric slid against my cut, a sharp pain surged through my arm. I touched the wound again and the pain worsened.
"Wh-what did you do to me?" I strained.
He cocked his head. Then he turned and trotted the other way, leaving me staring after him and shivering.
He came back a few minutes later, back in his human form, and clothed. His hood was down, and replacing the dark space that I had grown accustomed to, was a beautiful man.
I shook my head.
Don't think like that!
"I just bit you because the venom from my bite will turn you into a wolf."
I stared at him in shock.
He laughed.
"You're gonna be the cutest little wolf ever!"
What? Are all those cliché movies of the wolf biting a girl and then she turns into a wolf true?
"Why?" Was all I could ask.
"Well, let's see. There are many reasons. One being, I can control when you change. I am also the alpha male, so you have to listen to me."
"Over my dead body."
"That can be arranged."
We stared at each other, hatred in my eyes and victory in his, until I broke it by muttering something and trying to get up.
Pain surged through my arm, but I brushed it aside and focused on walking. He stared at me as I walked past.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Ha, I don't think so. Get back here."
I stopped. I didn't try to, my body just obeyed him. I shook myself and tried again.
I stopped.
"What's going on?"
He laughed again and stepped in front of me.
"Well, you see, as I predicted, the venom is in your system now. Meaning that soon, you'll fall to the floor and turn into a wolf. It'll be painful and such." He paused, then continued.
"As I said earlier, I now have control over you. It's a weird dog thing."
I stepped forward and pushed him out of the way. He let me get a few paces ahead, then burst into laughter.
"Stop, stop, this is too funny."
I stopped.
"Stop that!"
I turned. He was on the ground laughing.
"You're absolutely adorable! You think that by sheer willpower, you can defy me."
"I can!"
"You stopping when I tell you to tells me otherwise."
I tried to move again, but he ordered me to sit. I did.
"Stop doing that!"
He stood just out of reach and folded his arms across his large chest.
I growled, this time it was different, inhuman. I covered my mouth.
"What was that?"
"Hmm. The transformation is taking place quicker than I anticipated."
He stared down at me and a wicked yet beautiful smile spread across his lips.
"You're gonna turn into a wolf sooner than I thought."
I almost passed out.
He uncrossed his arms.
"I suppose I better get you into deeper woods, considering..." He side-glanced me and smiled.
"What? What was that look for?"
"Oh, this will be enjoyable. For me, not you. Follow me."
My body moved to follow him.
"I hate you."
"I know."
He led me to the deepest patch of woods he could, and instructed me to strip down to nothing. Butt naked.
My body obeyed before I could say anything.
"Wait, wait! At least turn around?"
"Please!" My sweater was off.
"Nope." He smiled.
Pants, gone. And, lastly, my tank top. And there I stood, in nothing but a bra and panties, in front of a man.
"Come on, before you turn."
I glared at him as I tried with all my might to stop myself from undressing completely, but failing.
I tried to cover up the best I could, because he was there, and it was freezing cold.
"You sick bastard."
"Hey, if you were a man, you'd understand."
"Ugh, you're so–"
I stopped when I felt a coughing fit come on.
"Whats–"cough"–going on?"
"You're changing."
He climbed the nearest tree and perched on the lowest branch.
"Why are you–" cough, cough, cough.
"Ouit trying to talk, and focus on changing!"
My mouth closed. I hated it. I hated him. I wanted to rip his throat out for doing this to me. I was scared. How did you turn into a wolf? How much did it hurt? How did you stop it?
Questions flooded through my mind as I crumpled up on the floor and wretched into the bushes. I had to get back up onto my hands and knees when my muscles started to convulse and my bones started snapping.
Tears flooded my eyes and a scream escaped my lips. He jumped down from the tree to cover my mouth.
I pushed him away and breathed deeply. I tried not to focus on the sound of my bones sliding over each other, not to mention the pain.
I couldn't even muster up enough strength to scream again. The pain, plus knowing he could make it happen any time he wanted, was almost too much.
The only thing that kept me going was that I wanted to prove that I could do this. That I could survive this insane encounter with this man.
The only thing that kept me going.....was my pride.
After all the excruciating pain, I just lay there, a small, white wolf. My breathing was labored, and it didn't feel right having four legs to walk on, but I made it.
I was a wolf. I tried to laugh, but it wasn't right. It sounded kind of like his weird hyena laugh.
Speaking of him, he stood next to me.  Well, actually he was circling me, poking at me, going on about how small I was.
But, overall, he was impressed that I survived. He also loved how soft my fur was. He kept petting me and, although it felt good, I swatted his hand away each time.
He finally decided to walk away. I thought he was going to leave me alone, but he came back a wolf. I should have seen that coming.
He was still huge, but I felt bigger too. I slowly got up, on wobbly legs, and experimented in the art of walking on all fours.
I fell over multiple times, him laughing each time, but I got the hang of it after a while. I pranced around, sniffing the air, with its wild new scents, and listening to all the new sounds.
It was amazing being a wolf. I hated to admit that he did me a favor, but I loved this.
I practiced running, or more accurately, falling. Every time I tried, I tripped on my own paws and fell. I was about as graceful as a blind cow.
He pranced over to me when I finally gave up, and showed me how to do it. I realized I couldn't focus on running, I just had to do it.
When he talked, I jumped up, fur on end and growled at him.
"Calm down. You can understand me, now that you're a wolf, too."
"How?" I blinked at my voice. It was altered, deeper. It had a nice ring to it.
"Well, duh, how do dogs communicate?"
"Oh." I hated how dumb I sounded.
I pondered it, and before I knew it, I was on the ground, him standing over me.
"Pay attention!" He growled in my face. I backed down automatically, my new tail going in between my legs and my ears going back.
"What is this?"
He snickered. "Wow, I have pretty much complete control over you."
I thought about what he said, and realized what he meant. In wolf packs, there was an alpha male, which was what he was.
I must have been the alpha female, the luna, because he had control over me, as well as any other people, if there were any.
"Hey, that's not fair!"
"The world isn't fair."
"But, I have no say in what I do, unless you say so!"
"Which is exactly how I like it."
"You may like it, but I don't."
"That makes no difference to me. Haha, now you have to listen to me!"
"I really hate you."
"It's a mutual feeling. Now, hurry up. You need to learn how to be a wolf."
"And if I don't wanna?"
He shrugged weirdly.
"Makes no difference. If I tell you, you do it."
"I don't like being a wolf."
"Shut up and get over here!"
I stomped over to him, huffing and puffing and growling.
"What could you possibly want to teach me now?"
"How to be a wolf, for one."
"I could learn on my own, too."
"I bet."
I rolled my eyes at him.
"First up, walking."
"I can walk just–"
My legs moved. I concentrated on the building instead of walking, and it worked. I walked with pride, sticking my nose in the air and my tail rose.
He watched and scoffed, muttering something about my balance being off.
"Okay, onto running."
"This is boring. I want to do something else."
"Oh, don't worry, it will get better, all in due time."
"Somehow I feel like that means I won't enjoy it at all."
"It does."
"Well, just great."
I shot off like a bullet. I couldn't wait until I got my hands on him. I'd tear him to shreds. Who does that? Turns a girl into a wolf and pushes her around as if she's a doll?
He's dead meat.
I didn't realize I was in the woods. I tried to stop and skidded into a tree. My side started to hurt, but I slinked back to him.
"Alright, I walked, I ran, what's next?"
He ran at me. I dodged him so fast, I literally spun. I, again, tried to stop, but, again, I skid. I clawed at the ground when I saw him coming, but the mud was too slippery and he already had a good start. He rammed into my side, and sent me practically flying.
I flipped in midair, and landed gracelessly in a heap. My foot started to hurt, but I ignored that and hightailed it out of the way, as he zoomed past.
"You're getting distracted!"
"I've dodged you twice out of three times now! I'd say that's pretty good!"
"Not good enough for me!"
I sighed. This would not be fun, and knowing him, he'd probably make it harder and harder as we went on.
He'd also push me to my limits.
"God, help me." I muttered.
"God can't help you when you're in hell." He said smugly.
We'd gotten through part one of my reflex training, long range. Part two was close combat. Which, with him, was suicide.
I was sure by the time he was finished, I'd have a couple broken bones.
He sprang right into fighting. Clawing at me, snarling, biting. I had to continually back up and dodge, but also get yelled at for doing it.
Whenever I fought back, he always fought a little harder.
He hit me twice in the ribs, headbutted me, and tripped me.
"I'm so done with this! My head really hurts!"
"Oh, want me to kiss your little boo-boo?"
I scoffed. "No. I'd prefer it to not get infected."
"Serves you right."
He sighed. "Hmm...I want to try something."
"If it involves me, forget it."
"You have no choice."
I scowled at him.
"Fight me."
My body moved so quick, I didn't understand what happened until I stopped moving. He was a few feet away from me, breathing heavily.
"Well, then. We won't be doing that again any time soon."
"What happened?"
"Nothing. You're a strange wolf. Unlike anything I've ever seen."
"I am?"
He shook himself. "Go back over there into the woods and change back into a human. And get dressed."
I unwillingly obeyed, cursing him as the pain of changing overtook me.

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