As we took off she turned to me and grabbed my arm real hard I squeeled and looked at her "once we get back I'll expect you at my office at 3 and dont be late!" She stated glaring at me still squeezing my arm "Alright chill out" I responded quietly as she let go of me, I rubbed my arm as it hurt after she let go.
||Time Skip||
I was already in my room going thru instagram and I looked at the time "SHIT" I shouted with a worried voice it was almost 4 I ran out of my room and sprinted thru the halls. As I got to then principal's office I stopped infront of it and knocked 3 times, but I got no response. Maybe she wasn't here. I slowly opened the door and peeked into the dark room, "your late" a stern voice spoke from one of the dark corners making me slightly jump. I finally went into the office as she flicked the light up and I saw her standing beside her desk in the corner. "Sit" she said and I knew she was angry because of her voice. I walked forward to the chair that was sitting in front of her desk and sat down shivering a bit about what she was gonna do. She came and sat on her chair " didn't I make it perfectly clear to not be late?!" She asked while playing with her pen "look I had other things to deal with, your not the center of everything yk" she put the pen down and stood up from her perfectly organized desk. She walked over the my chair and put both one of her arms on one of the armstand and the other one on the other. Our noses almost touched as I stated into her ocean blue eyes "I prefer to you that I will be the center of everything. Especially for you" she almost whispered the last sentence while grinning a slight. "No Ms. Weems you're not believe me, and you'll have to do a lot more than that to be so" I winked back at her leaving her real mad. She leaned back up "you are exhausting" she said "I know" I responded. I tried standing up but she placed her hand on my chest, almost my breasts and pushed me back. She lowered to my ear and whispered "but I should warn you, I don't tire easily" god this woman was something else. My ear tinkled after her words escaped her mouth, "can I go now?" I asked annoyed she stood up straight and looked into my eyes then onto my lips for a few seconds before saying "sure honey" bruh what's with the nickname "I don't like nicknames especially like these" I told her while turning around and walking to the door "bye bye darling" I teased her she quickly grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back, my back was leaning against her belly and chest. She got close to my ear and "the nicknames are for me to use and only for me" she growled "yea sure" I rolled my eyes just enough for her to see she slammed her hand on my throat and pulled back my neck "and I don't like the eye rolling" she smirked while being really close to my neck. I felt her lips touch my neck and suck on it just for a second, I moaned while closing my mouth. Her red lipstick staining my neck I just ran out of her office as fast as my legs could go. I opened my dorm and hurried in closing the door behind me. "WTF" I shouted into my pillow before going into the bathroom washing off her lipstick, seeing a hickey on my neck. I was fucking furious I'm telling you I wanted to punch into the wall so bad, this woman was a nightmare or we could say sexy nightmare
||Time Skip||
It was already nighttime and I have just gotten on my pajama but I was still thinking about what happened in that office. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and played on my phone. Once I got sleepy I put it on the charger I didn't need any timer because it was the weekend, so I just went to sleep.
In the morning I woke up stretching my arms up in the air and blinking a few before getting out of bed to take a shower. I went into the bathroom got a towel and headed in the shower, but it was really hot outside so I decided to take a cold shower instead. It felt amazing as the water flowed down my body. As I was done I turned down the water and got out of the shower quickly rapping the towel on me. I dried my hair and brushed it out just then realizing I had a small hickey on my neck. I tried to cover it up but nothing worked so I just stopped trying and left it like that. I then dried and brushed my hair.
Ur hair:

Larissa Weems x Lesbian Reader
RomanceYour a 18 year old girl named Y/n you went to Nevermore academy because you were different than the others, you have to read for more info...